By MGAL Expert, Lynn Trotta
As I bent low and looked up into the bush of French climbing beans, I got the strongest sensation that I was looking into my soul at all the gifts that are waiting to be harvested. How many times had I walked by this wall of green in my garden and with a cursory glance thought, “oh there’s nothing there” and moved on. With each time I passed, I grew more and more disheartened that this mass of life was producing nothing useful.
How many times do I tell myself the same thing in a day?
I wake up, change diapers, feed creatures that are dependent on me: child, cats, chickens, ducks, husband. I clean and teach and play; go to bed way too late and start it all over again at sunrise. Don’t misunderstand me, I’m very grateful for my life, but at the end of the day I still feel like I’ve done nothing useful.
Perhaps I just needed to bend low and with humbleness and awe for the miracle of life, look up at all that I am and not just all that I do. Yes, all the tasks that I accomplish in a day, week, year contribute to the lives of those around me, but I’m more than just the checked boxes on my list. I’m more than just a wall of green. I am a kind, loving, compassionate, creative woman and I make really good french toast.
All green beans that dangle waiting to be acknowledged and plucked.
What will you acknowledge and pluck today?
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