This week many people have reached out to me in distress over both real life challenges and the sense that “something bad is going to happen.”
This post is for you if you fall into either of those categories. Especially if you have a fear that war or catastrophic disaster is looming. I want to share what I’ve been getting from Spirit.
For those of you who had real life challenges occur this week I want you to know that the hand of God is moving in your life. It may not feel like that but there is support at the Divine level.
I am sorry. Knowing what some of you are going through those words will likely provide little solace right now. In time you will be able to see the miracle. (Totally ok for you to give me, as the messenger, the finger. I get it. I still love you.)
For those of you who sense something bad is coming I want to give you some reassurances. But first, the fine print… YOU are responsible for your intuition. Trust it above all else, including me. If your gut is guiding you to take precautions in a certain area of your life, follow it. Don’t take what I’m about to say as a reason to ignore your inner wisdom.
That being said… What I have been shown is an approaching “ego death” on a global scale. Where this may feel like the energy of war or aggression, it’s not going to play out like that. This energy is happening at the structural level of society – the places where ego has built something that violates soul will.
It is less important for anyone to focus on the “global” part of this energy system and more important to focus on how this applies to you personally. The question to ask yourself is “Where is my ego attached to something my soul is asking me to let go of?”
That answer will guide you in the coming weeks.
I’ll dive deeper into this concept in the 2025 Energy Reading I’m doing as part of Forecast Your Future which starts January 27th. There is still time to get a ticket here:
For now, breathe.
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