I was pretty anxious leading up to Monday’s 50 Speaking Gigs in 50 Weeks LIVE.This particular flavor of anxiety happens when my soul is getting ready to do something BIG and my ego is screaming “This is not a good idea! We will be exposed! Run for cover!”
This has been the most anxiety I have ever had putting on an event and that includes my very first conference ever of 150 people back in 2013.
The anxiety lasted until 8:55am Monday morning, when the first attendee arrived. Over the course of the next hour as each woman filed in the anxiety meter dropped 10 degrees until it hit zero and than exhilaration kicked in.
So what was all this anxiety about? Well, as it turns out while I was on stage I revealed parts of my journey I have never shared. I also revealed a truth about success I wasn’t sure people would want to hear. And if they did hear it I thought they’d stop wanting to work with (aka love) me.
So what was this truth? Well the truth is that success doesn’t come with a nice clean process with steps that work every.single.time. You have to get in there and do things and see what works and what doesn’t. And you have to keep coming back for more knowing some things are going to work really well and others just aren’t.
You have to be willing to fail.
Now, I’m sure you’ve heard that before right? You are probably thinking “That’s your big scary message you were afraid to say Patty? Plenty of people have told me I need to fail to succeed. This is nothing new. You need to get over yourself.”
But here is the thing. There is a second part.
You have to be willing to fail AND you have to be willing to roll around with all the insecurity that comes up because you fail. You need to move forward knowing you are vulnerable and do it anyway because this work you do is your purpose.
You have to feel anxiety and tell yourself this is why you are here. And it will feel really, really hard sometimes. There isn’t a process or checklist or step-by- step anything I can give you that will make it easier.
That was the part that I was scared to share because we have been taught by marketers that if we buy this system or that product we will suddenly be able to create results. The tricky part of that story is that it isn’t completely wrong.
I did teach a system on Monday that creates results. In fact many of the attendees have already created results (28 speaking engagements have already been booked).
But here is the thing. This system I taught only works if you refuse to give up when you feel fear. This system only works if you are willing to take that stage and bring the fear along with you.
What is so ironic about all the fear and anxiety I experienced was that I needed to hear my own message. I needed to be reminded that when you share your truth openly you will be vulnerable and that leaves you scared or anxious at first.
and this is the big beautiful amazing BUT…
If you will walk up on that stage and remain open and in love with your audience what you receive in return will heal the small scared part of you that was afraid to be vulnerable in the first place.
The gifts that came out of 50 Speaking Gigs in 50 Weeks LIVE continue to amaze me.
My favorite moment was when one attendee came up to talk to me at the end and said:
Patty when I first started my business I was speaking all the time. And it was great and people loved me. I heard about how much they had all learned. But it never turned into paid business. I watched other people make offers from the stage and get business so I just assumed I was missing whatever it was they had that made them successful. I never realized it until just now but that belief made me give up. Now that you showed me how I can do it in a way that makes me comfortable everything has changed. Thank you.
Speaking with that attendee was a REALLY GOOD MOMENT. That is the moment I could feel that the healing I experienced not only happened to me but it happened to my attendees.
No matter what you teach or what your soul is called to share it has one express purpose – it is to heal. It is to create love. And that happens when we all realize that we are exactly who we are supposed to be.
So why am I telling you all this? Well now that I’ve had a few days to reflect on 50 Speaking Gigs in 50 Weeks LIVE and to speak with our attendees, I realize the event did more than I promised and far more than I imagined it could or would.
Because I was so anxious I held back on telling you everything you could expect to learn and what a game changer consistent speaking can be for your business. For that reason I’ve decided to extend a special offer on the Virtual ticket which will allow you to access everything I shared on Monday with your own digital copy.
If you’d like to purchase that virtual ticket you can do so now by clicking here through September 30 for $127. After September 30 the price will go back up to $197.
One of the big takeaways the attendees said they love is that they now have a blueprint to market themselves as speakers and what to do once they are on stage to ensure they are making money and growing their businesses.
They also said that coming into the event they thought doing 50 Speaking Gigs in 50 Weeks would be really hard but now they see that they just need to focus on the first 20 gigs. When I showed them how to get those gigs and what to do with them it wasn’t overwhelming at all. In fact, it was really exciting!
If you know you should be speaking but just haven’t gotten around to making it a consistent part of your business I encourage you to grab this virtual version of 50 Speaking Gigs in 50 Weeks LIVE. I know you will love it just as much as the attendees on Monday did!
In love and light,
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