Last week, I shared some challenges I encountered with the launch of my new program: Six Figure Soul Infused Profit Plan. It didn’t fill as fast as I expected it to fill so I needed to regroup and figure out what was going on.
I told you I was going to treat filling the program like a game and just play with strategies that might help educate you and everyone else in my tribe on what this program was about.
Well we’ve had quite a week since then so I wanted to share with you the one strategy we implemented that had a HUGE positive impact on the program.
We opened up slots on my calendar to have one-on- one calls with people that were interested in the program but needed questions answered personally by me.
These calls helped me understand that (as I had suspected) my sales page and webinar did not do a good job presenting the full scope of the program.
These calls also increased registration because once the people I spoke with truly understood how much of a game changer the program would be for their businesses they felt really excited registering (which was my goal from the beginning.)
Investing one-on-one time in smaller program offerings isn’t always efficient but it is very effective. In the case of a new program or offering it’s important to be talking to your tribe so you are hearing objections directly.
Those objections are the key to crafting great marketing in future launches.
Speaking with your people will also help you understand if they truly want and need what you are offering. In the case of my program the answer was that yes they did want it, they just needed to understand it better.
What I love most about how all this played out is that it ties directly to what I’ll be teaching in the Six Figure Soul Infused Profit Plan so now I’ve got a great case study to help our attendees understand exactly what they can do to make the money they want to make.
Wins all around!!!!
What about you? Have you recently offered a new program or service to your people and not gotten the response you expected? Can you reach out to a few of them to find out what’s holding them back from investing in your awesomeness?
And if you think our new program Six Figure Soul Infused Profit Plan might be right for you but you just have a few questions before you register, feel free to email Josie (the most amazing Online Business Manager ever!) at Josie will get you set up with some time to talk to me about it!
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