I hope you have strapped yourself into your life suit (a.k.a. your body) for this year because we are going on a wild ride. Oh yeah baby! 2012 is going to be a big year for moms.
Because you are here, I know you probably feel that already. 2012 is a year of great transformation that will be fueled by the release of fear among other powerful mechanisms.
For moms, this means we are going to be supported in making a Shift in Motherhood. The ability to dance between honoring your desire to nurture your family and yourself will be easier, more fluid and DEFINITELY more exciting.
Your ability to tap your intuitive powers to guide you in what is exactly and perfectly right for your family will be kicking into high gear. Making time to be alone with YOU is extremely important right now.
It is in that quiet space that you will learn what your intuitive voice sounds like.
Make space for YOU in each day starting now and you will see transformation unfold before your eyes. It will feel like MAGIC and that brand of magic is a beautiful thing.
Bravo to you for what you are about to do!
(You are going to Transform Motherhood – in case you were confused!)
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