Over the weekend I got to see a lot of women I love at Savor the Success’ Rock the World Conference. Savor is a network I joined early in my entrepreneurial career and the women in this group (from around the country) played a big role in keeping me standing during the dark days that followed my mom’s death in 2012.
At the conference I shared from the stage how many times I had wanted to give up, how many days getting out of bed felt like an unbearable challenge. And on those days it was my business besties that reminded me what was important.
Fast forward a year later I was hosting a sold out conference and had become a somewhat overnight sensation in the crowdfunding world for my Indiegogo campaign.
From the outside, the conference and the crowdfunding success seemed like the whole story. I remember a well known coach saying “It’s like you went from nowhere to everywhere overnight!”
Very few people knew what the path to those successes looked like. Yesterday I received a private message that reminded me how important it is to share our full story.
The private message was from a conference attendee that told me she was ready to give up on her own business until she heard my story Saturday – the one that included the messy stuff. Now she was ready to move forward again. The real story helped her feel less alone and isn’t that what we are all seeking?
Shame is a great connector because once it is spoken it has no power. Shame is the lie our ego whispers to our humanness to keep it small. In the darkness of our fear it looks so real. We feel the shame. We want to hide. But the moment it is brought into the light, like any shadow, it loses its power and fades away.
Shame is the reason I love to speak publicly. I can tell you the messy bits here on this blo but it doesn’t quite have the same impact as when I look into your eyes and with my story say “I know you. I’ve been there. You are ok.”
Your messy bits are a gift. They are the part of your journey that will heal another’s shame. Are you ready to speak them from the stage? If you are, you will not want to miss an offering I have cooked up.
In a couple weeks I will be giving an online e-course teaching you exactly what I did to become a highly sought after speaker (messy bits and all!) If you want to be notified when the class registration become available just Click Here.
Thanks for being here and reading my message. I want you to stay connected with me so that I can share all future communications with you.
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