Can you feel the waves and peace and prosperity floating off me? That’s the energy of extreme self-care you are sensing. I just returned from a solo trip to Sedona where for five days I focused only on myself. I played. I healed. I released. I loved. I returned more me. While in Sedona I […]
Focus + Acceptance = Big Happy
I found early on that as a mother, I tended to focus on what I was doing wrong rather than what I was doing right. I was pretty miserable. I’m getting better. I aspire to be like my friend Lin Eleoff, The Worst Mother. Lin strives to get it right 75% of the time and […]
Taking Care of Me
For many women it is hard to prioritize our own needs. We take care of everyone else around us but can’t seem to give our own needs the same priority. Why is that? Well there actually is a reason – and it is pretty good one… As we grow up we get rewarded when we […]