He doesn’t appreciate me! I can’t even count the times I shared that lament with my girlfriends. I do EVERYTHING around here and all he does is go to work and come home. You’d think the lout could at least show a little appreciation! Appreciate. Appreciate. Appreciate. Before I learned to move my needs up […]
Big Cosmic Divine Do Over
By MomGAL Expert, Theresa Robbins Every mom with school-age children knows that this is the most wonderful time of the year. It’s not Christmas or Mother’s day. This is even better. This is back to school time. While most kids haven’t started back yet, mine started in July and let’s just say that the first […]
Who Moved My Freedom?
Guest Post by Britt Bolnick, In Arms Coaching Six years ago was the worst time in my entire life. I was a fairly new mother to a 12 month-old girl, living in a house that I hated and could barely afford. I had a husband who was cheating on me, almost never home and about […]
Let Freedom Ring!
Moms: Are your expectations handcuffing you to a life of misery? Time to Let FREEDOM Ring! Two weeks ago, my son finished Kindergarten. On the last day of school, the teachers walked Little M and his classmates upstairs to the 1st grade classroom. Little M came home so excited. “Mom! You are not going to […]
Standing Naked
By MGAL Expert Dina Ferrante It was change that I was after and change is what I got. One year ago life looked very different. I remember vividly feeling dull, languid and disconnected. I felt trapped within the confines of my own (yes, self imposed) life. I felt this in my body which was […]