Last week our children met their cousins from Ireland for the first time. In each of their faces I could see little parts of them that connected their bloodlines.
It has created a deep longing in my gut to bring my children to Ireland so they can meet all the other relatives they’ve never known.
I’m not sure when that can happen but I’ve moved getting their passports to the top of my “to do” list.
From the outside this might seem like a silly use of my time. Like all parents, I have a list a mile long of things I could or should be doing for my kids like take my son to the store to get supplies for the project that is due in two weeks.
But I’ve learned something about living a soul infused life in partnership with the Universe – when I feel something tug at my gut it’s important. It doesn’t matter if I know how to make it happen, I just have to take the action in front of me and the Universe will take care of the rest.
This is the same in business. So many times new clients will say “I’m only making $1000 a month. I need to make $10000. That is such a big difference. How can I possibly get there?”
And the key is you don’t have to figure it all out. You just need to take the step in front of you. You need to do the very next thing that you can think of to get you to your goal.
The part of you that says “What’s the point” is your ego. It’s your lower self. It’s the part of you that keeps you small.
Do not listen to it!
Take that one small step that moves you forward. Small steps are hard for our egos.
They require humility. They require doing something without puffing out our chests and showing the world what we achieved.
Small steps are the stuff of progress. Small steps create success.
Small steps show the Universe we are moving forward and ready for what awaits.
As soon we make that known, the Universe walks to meet us the rest of the way.
What is one small step you can take today that will move you toward one of your dreams?
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