Last year I offered a call describing the lessons I learned in the “worst year of my life.” One of the lessons that generated the strongest feedback was the fact that every moment of our life we create ripples in the world. Every day you walk this planet you do wonderful, amazing things that change the people around you.
Did you know you were so powerful? Many of us often forget because we generally don’t see the results of the significant ripple our life makes in this world. You smile kindly at a frustrated, embarrassed mother dragging her screaming kid from a grocery store and when she gets to her car she takes a breath and treats her child with compassion rather than anger…ripple, ripple, ripple.
I’d like to ask you to make one more ripple. As you know it is not my usual style to make requests of my clients or readers but there is an organization that gave me tremendous help last year and I just found out I can pay them back in a small way. But I need your help.
Ann’s Place, The Home of I CAN is a cancer support center.
They are competing for a $250,000 grant from Pepsi and need votes. If you feel inspired please vote for this amazing organization by visiting here. After my mother was diagnosed with cancer, the wonderful people at Ann’s Place kept me afloat during some of the darkest days. They have been running an amazing organization out of borrowed corporate space while their new home is under construction. They already create tremendous ripples in this world, it will be awe-inspiring to watch what they do in the new space.
They are self-funded. They receive no funds from the government or from the typical cancer-related charities so construction completion has been slow. They also refuse to ever ask a client for monetary support. All services are free because the founders believe that when you are affected by cancer the last thing you should have to think about when getting the care you need is money.
I am offering a 10% discount to any Patty Lennon Life Design Services booked in January or February to anyone who pledges to vote in the Pepsi Refresh Project. If you already have a project you support in this particular “Pepsi Challenge” you still qualify for the 10% discount. It is my way of thanking you for this particular ripple you are setting into the world. In order to qualify for the discount, register here and enter your name and email address. You’ll also receive daily reminders to vote through January 31.
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