This is the last episode of the Wealth and Purpose podcast. No worries though. Patty will still be podcasting under a new name; Space for Magic.
She outlines what that means to her and how you can find your own magic in the world. A big part of the shift happened when Patty was inspired to create Receiving School.
What is magic? Patty explains how it’s meant to make life easier. It’s a force to let us know we aren’t alone.
She’s also clarifying that magic is available for all of us. We don’t have to do anything to earn it. It’s not a reward for being “good”. We are all worthy.
Just the way we are. Magic is doesn’t place demands on us. It’s here for us to receive anytime. The only thing keeping us from what we want from the divine, is our resistance.
Listen as Patty shares the simple practice you can do right now wherever you are.
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Welcome to the wealth and purpose podcast, where people who are led by their hearts come to learn the secrets to creating wealth in a way that feels really good and live their purpose fully in the process. I’m your host, Patty Lennon. I’m an ex type-A corporate banker turned intuitive business coach. I’m also a wife, a mom to two pre-teens, a professor, girl scout leader. And well, Hey, you get it. Like you, I wear a lot of hats. Whether you’re looking for inspiration to get started or strategies to get growing, I am here to help you create abundance in every area of your life in business. Welcome.
Hey There! Patty here. Welcome to the probably last episode of the wealth and purpose podcast, because we are in the process of rebranding. Don’t worry. The podcast isn’t going away, but the name that we are running under is going to change the new brand. The new name is Space for Magic. And today, I want to talk to you a little bit about what that means and specifically, why now? So the topic of resistance and receiving is something that I have talked about a lot in the past, and I’m just gonna regroup and talk a little bit about it now to give a context. As I’m recording this, I’m on Cape Cod on the East coast of the States. And I took a week here by myself because I feel like this year I’ve lost track of who I am and not in a real big way.
Although, while I’ve been here, I’ve realized it’s probably bigger than I thought. But you know, when we go through a year like we’ve gone through and so much happens to challenge what we know about the world, about ourselves, when we’re confronted with grief and the death-rebirth cycle, which we’re all in on some level we change. And when we’re in some form of crisis, whether that crisis feels mild or not, it can be hard to understand and integrate what that means for you personally. And for me, myself, having put the kids through, schooling at home at the end of last year, and now them going into this hybrid model that they’re in, I’m supporting people through the receiving school and the receiving school becoming something that I had no idea it was going to become this refuge, this place where we talk about things in a way that bleeds out the toxicity that can often happen in conversations around taking care of ourselves.
Right? And you know, this pandemic has also brought this time for a spiritual evolution on the planet. And so within receiving school diving deep into accessing those intuitive gifts, as all of our intuitive gifts are opening up on the planet. This evolution is taking everyone with it. Everyone, no woman, no man, no child, is being left behind. And with all of that, you know, I have evolved, I have changed. I’ve transformed just as you have. And that I had the ability to take this time away. And really, my goal, although on the surface, was to relax. I think my real goal was to catch up with myself and see who I’ve become. And some of it surprised me. I have some thoughts and ideas coming up that I didn’t realize were alive for me. And we don’t need to talk about that today. But what I want to do to talk about is the fact that when we resist who we’re becoming, because we’re just so used to who we’ve been, that resistance can be the strongest resistance that we hold.
And when we hold resistance to one thing, we hold it to all things. And when we receive one thing, especially when that thing is ourselves and who we are, we receive all things. And this is the fundamental concept that the receiving school is based on. And the receiving method is based on. And everything that I teach now is based on because I truly believe that the divine loves each and every one of us and whatever word you use for the divine that the divine is here, wanting to care for us, wanting to love us, wanting to help us. But if we have resistance to anything, we have resistance up to the divine, and we have resistance up to the gifts that the divine can send us. And I call those gifts magic. I know magic has had a lot of words or a lot of meaning in this world.
And for me, magic is those times where we feel our human experience transcend what is possible as a human. Meaning when money flows in that we didn’t specifically work so hard for, or when we have an intuitive head, or we can talk to a loved one on the other side of the veil, all of that in my world is magic, and magic is just this big encompassing concept that talks about all of these gifts that are available to us, but they are precisely magic because we don’t control them with our human functions, right, with our taste and our touch and our smell and our action, they just flow in. And to me, magic is what makes this human condition fun. It’s what makes this human condition easier. And when we are on our knees, magic is that force that will let us know we’re not alone.
And eventually, the force that helps us stand back up to me. What has always been so frustrating around the magic that’s available in this world, whether you learn about it in a traditional religious setting, like I first did in my Catholic upbringing where Jesus turns water into wine, or, you know, someone is sick, and they’re healed, or you learn it in a more metaphysical realm where you’ve learned from a law of attraction teacher or a book like The Secret, what’s always been so frustrating to me. And what I know about how magic really works is that the way it’s taught, no matter which side of the metaphysical to traditional religious spectrum, you learn on there’s this feeling that you have to do things to earn it, right? To earn this magic. And we don’t. And I can tell you this, having had so many conversations with the divine, all the versions of the divine, the divine feminine, the divine masculine, this other force, that in the Catholic religion is called the Holy Spirit.
It’s basically that divinity that embodies humans. Having had so many conversations. I can tell you that the divine wants nothing more than to have an intimate relationship with you. The divine wants nothing more to flow to you. What will ease your path? Now that doesn’t mean that your path will be easy. It doesn’t mean there aren’t hills and mountains that you need to climb as part of your soul’s journey. The divine can’t relieve us of grief, right? Like I lost my mother. I lost my father. That’s part of life, right? And the divine can’t make that grief less painful, but the thing that will make it more painful is to feel that we’re alone, to feel we’re unseen, to feel more unworthy. And so much of what is taught about how to bring magic into our lives is taught from this lens. That if magic isn’t flowing in it’s, because we’re unworthy somehow that we haven’t done enough, that we haven’t lined up our energy the right way. That we haven’t gotten down on our knees and prayed the right way that there’s something that’s the right way and we’re missing.
And that entire concept builds resistance. It builds a barrier between us and the divine, and it builds a barrier between us and receiving magic. As I’m recording this, this week, I’ve been here. One of my friends is struggling with a personal situation and really has struggled quite some time with her relationship with the divine. And, you know, she just feels like the Divine’s abandoned her. And at the same time also believes that she’s somehow screwing up her relationship with the divine by not being a good enough daughter or daughter to the divine or divine child. And, as we’ve talked this week more and more and more, I just feel the Divine’s love for her. I just feel how much the divine wants her to understand that she is no different than any child of any parent. She, who I’m talking about, has children just as much as their anger towards her would never lessen her love or her desire to care for them to same thing with the divine.
And the thing is we don’t have to stop being angry about life. We just have to allow that anger in and at the same time, allowing appreciation for all the gifts that are here, because when we not, because we have to do it a certain way now because there’s a right way to offer gratitude. And that gratitude is one of the rules of receiving magic, and we better do it. Right? But because when we don’t appreciate what we have, that’s a form of resistance. And again, when we resist one thing, we resist all things, and we must allow in the gifts that we already have. We must see them and drink them in and feel them not because it’s part of the rules of receiving more magic, but because it lessens our resistance. And as we lessen our resistance, we allow in more gifts, we allow in more magic.
We allow the divine to work more miracles in our life. And if you don’t like the idea of a divine being, just use the word, the Universe, you know, whatever word works for you, there is though, I will tell you this, this force of love that wants nothing but joy and peace and ease for you, even in your struggles, even in your struggles. And that can come. And so this idea of making space for magic came when I was talking to my publisher about the book that I’m writing, and we were talking about my childhood, and I could remember this time where I had a deep connection to this magic in the world but didn’t know what to call it at the time. And it’s a story I’ve talked about where I would fly at night, and I’ll talk more about that story in the future.
And he said, well, what happened? What happened there? Why did you have this time? And then suddenly you were at this different age and, you know, at eight or nine, and you didn’t. And all of a sudden, I blurted out, there was no more space for magic. My life had squeezed out space for magic. And, and at the time, I didn’t even know when I was answering his question that way, exactly what that meant. But, over time, what I’ve come to realize is I built more and more and more resistance to ease. Things had happened in my household that brought in fear, and fear is the essence of resistance, low levels. I wouldn’t have known it at the time, but I can see that. And that my work as an adult has been coming back to this place where I could create space for magic.
And the thing is, that’s all we need to do when we lower our resistance, we’re creating space for magic. And the thing I want you to know is that it’s not this complicated process. And so next week, as the new brand comes out, what we’ll also be releasing is a journal. And it’s a journaling process that I have to say is quite easy. And the reason that I feel so strongly about this process, it’s not just a journal in terms of capturing all your thoughts. It’s a guided process, a guided daily process that makes lowering your resistance easy because, for too long, we have made receiving this magic complicated, and it shouldn’t be complicated. And with receiving school and everything I teach in the receiving method, I want you to understand that it’s not meant to be hard, that there’s enough being human that’s hard. Allowing in these gifts, from the divine allowing and magic, whether you want more money, love, and support, or you want to have deeper access to your intuitive gifts and talking to your loved ones who were on the other side of the aisle, wherever it is, that’s all magic, and it can be yours.
And it doesn’t require a complicated process. What I found to be almost cruel about the way we learn about magic is that it seems like the more we’re on our knees, the more that we’re weakened by our life circumstances, the more we’re in pain, the more we’re struggling, the harder receiving that magic seems to be based on the way we’re taught. And, you know, I’ve learned, like I said, in a traditional Catholic sense, I went through Catholic school, right through high school. And then in later life, I’ve studied with so many teachers. And the ones that taught the law of attraction in this really structured way, what I found was if money isn’t flowing in, it’s because I’m doing something wrong and now I’ve got to do more processes. Now I’ve got to take out a dollar bill or a hundred dollar bill.
And I got talked into that, and then I have to do vision boards and then more and write down everything I’m grateful for and blah, blah, blah, blah. And if things aren’t flowing in, I gotta do more of that. You know, that they do it differently and do it better. And that’s the opposite of it. That’s the opposite of what we need to do because when we’re on our knees in pain or struggle, the divine doesn’t want us worrying about making a list or asking with special words, getting the words, right? I mean, could you imagine a child standing before you, whether it’s your child or God, any child, you know, this and innocent child needing something, being hurt, and just needing something and you refusing to give it to the child unless the child asks exactly the way you want the child to ask.
Can you imagine that that would be still cruel? And yet what I found is that that’s so much of what’s taught is that somehow if we’re not getting what we want or what we desire and what we need from the divine, that we’re not asking the right way, that we haven’t framed it properly. And I promise you, that’s not it, the divine is infinite intelligence. The divine knows exactly what you desire and what you need. And the divine is not withholding it because you’re asking the wrong way. The divine doesn’t withhold anything. The divine flows it to you. If it’s not flowing in is because your field of resistance is strong. And so the only work to do, and I put that in quotes work, is to release your field of resistance. And so how do you do that? Right? And so I’ve done my best to, you know, really narrow down to like tiny, tiny movements, tiny little daily practices.
There are so easy to do. And so this journal is really just a way to do processes, simply and easily. And there’s no big secret to it. I mean, I’ve shared what they are here on different podcasts, but to give you an example, the first one is in the morning before you get out of bed, take three deep breaths in and out and connect to your inner world before you connect to anyone else. That’s the way you receive yourself in the morning. It’s that simple. That’s number one. If you do just that, things will start to flow into your life because that alone decreases your field of resistance and increases your receiving energy. So it’s as simple as that. And so this journal goes through just a couple of simple processes. And along with the journal comes a course that is a very tiny mini-course that lets me answer your questions and guide you through those processes.
It’s so funny. I say three deep breaths, and then inevitably, I will get questions in my email, or when I’m doing Facebook lives or even in receiving school where people ask me, okay, what if my child interrupted me on the second breath? So, in the course, I just walked through all the questions that I’ve gotten over the last couple of years, I’ve been teaching this. And then within that journal is also a magic tracker. And to me, this is the fun part about it. It’s simple and easy. It’s just a way for you to write down the magical things that happen. Because what happens is when you start to track that magic, your trust, your faith, that the divine is flowing, that magic to you increases. And that trust and faith is it’s like taking a vitamin C, or I take wellness formula things that boost our immune system.
So that trust and faith strain thins, you’re receiving energy. So when things come in your life that scare you, which is really what builds up our fear of resistance. You have this field within you within your energy system, that sort of keeps the resistance from getting strong. It counteracts that fear naturally. So you’re not in this effort. And so what happens when you’re going through this daily process, which by the way takes, I would say five minutes, there’s pages there for you to take your notes and, and to reflect on your life. If that feels good, but really at the heart of it is these this five-minute process and then your awarenesses around it. And as you go through that process, what will start to happen as you go through it on a daily basis is the magic starts flowing in. And it’s not because these little things I’m telling you to do are what is flowing the magic.
And it’s that these simple actions done on a daily basis really start to dissipate that field of resistance, the magic that flows in was already flowing to you. It was just your resistance was keeping it out. And so if that feels like something that would be helpful for you, just know we I’m, the publisher has it. I think it will be available for shipment in a couple of weeks, they’re going to go on sale officially next week when we rebrand the podcast, but you can place your order now. And you could be one of the first ones to get them hot off the press. Just go to And you will be able to get yours before they sell out. I have a feeling they’re going to sell out quickly because we’re doing a small run at first just to get them out.
That’s what the printer could fit in really quickly. Uh, we moved it up on the schedule mostly because the life events are such that I really want to get this process out into the world. And so with the journal, you’re also going to get that course that goes along with it, that you’ll be able to access information is inside the journal. And what I most hope comes from putting this out into the world in this way is that for, you know, people who aren’t feeling like they can engage anything in a really big way, but really want to bring into their life a deeper connection to themselves and the divine, and to allow that magic and that they just need this personal experience with it, that doesn’t involve other people and get a chance to integrate more who they are right now and have a relationship with this magic there’s journal will help them do it.
And if that’s you, then this journal will help you as well. What I most want you to know is that if you’re looking for something to do right now, that can create space for magic is receive yourself exactly as you are right now, whether you yelled at someone today, or you didn’t get enough accomplished yesterday, or you didn’t eat the way that you convinced yourself, you were going to eat going forward, cause you would be super healthy or whatever it is, whatever the thing is that you’re holding over your own head, that you’re judging yourself on, let that go and just receive, you know what? I ate the cake. I yelled at the person. I didn’t go to bed early enough, whatever it is. And then from there go, and then that must mean that there was some reason for that, that there was a real reason that is not because I’m weak or unworthy or selfish.
That it’s because I was doing the very best I could with what I had in that moment. And just receive that. If you receive just yourself, just yourself, if you’re see if just that of yourself in this moment, the field of resistance has already started to weekend, and your receiving energy has already started to increase because the divine sees you as beautiful. The divine loves you. The divine does not judge you. And if you can stop judging yourself, if you can let that down, the miracles and magic they’re going to start flowing in are big, big, big, big. I love you. I wish you a wonderful week. I’m here. If you have any questions for me, you can email me And to preorder your space for magic journal, go to We’ll put that link in the notes and have a beautiful day.
Hey, thanks for listening. And if you know someone who needs to hear this message, please share this podcast with them. And if you’re feeling really generous, I love for you to leave us a review on your favorite podcast app. It helps us reach many more people, and it fills my heart was so much joy. When I hear what you had to say about what you heard, I am cheering for your success. Have an amazing day.
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