Recognizing and Following Divine Guidance
Today Patty is breaking down and answering the question “How do I know what I’m being guided to do?” She shares her own journey, and gives herself as an example, all with the goal of helping you go through a time of so many shifts and changes. While we may be full of uncertainties, doubts, […]
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Surrender and Saving
In this episode, Patty explores a common struggle that we all go through at some point -surrendering. Surrender – the act of letting go – holds us in a vulnerability that can be terrifying. You’re having to go of something that’s important to you, that you love, and give unwavering trust. Today, we’re delving into […]
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Pain is Not Permanent
We find ourselves in the middle of a temporary yet significantly transformative phase, with condensed potential for evolution and alignment. You might notice that things are no longer supportive of your evolution and commitment, and a lot of your established systems and beliefs may no longer feel true. While these shifts are a good thing, […]
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Coming Apart at the Seams
Today we’re diving into a topic that we all encounter at some point in our lives: that feeling of everything coming apart at the seams. It can be unsettling when it seems like our world is unraveling. But this might just be a sign that a system in your life has run its course, and […]
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Clearing Karmic Patterns
Karma is often understood as the deserving return of things you have done, often in the negative aspect. As in, if you do something bad, something bad will happen to you. But there’s more to it than that. We need to remember that when we borrow teachings from different languages and cultures, some of the […]
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Knowing When to Let Go
The show just hit the 4-year anniversary! Thanks for being here on this journey. Today Patty is talking about the 5th rule of receiving. Do your 100%. This is often the hardest step for many of us. We often feel like we need to do it all. Our 100% and more. Anytime we set out […]
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The Stickiness of Grief and Magic
Grief and loss are inevitable parts of the human experience, and while we all encounter them at some point in our lives, our individual journeys through grief can each look different. However, one common aspect of grief is its stickiness. One instance of grief often brings front and center other unresolved emotions and past losses […]
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When to Give Up and When to Push Through
In this short and sweet episode, we’ll answer the question of identifying when to let go and when to push through. There are different signs that let us know what we have to do, and it’s just a matter of taking the time to see and recognize them. “Just because you’re taking a little bit […]
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Working with Your Council of Elders with Deana Paqua
In this episode, we’re continuing our discussion about help from the other side of the veil. Today we’re talking about our Council of Elders. Returning to the show is Patty’s good friend and mentor, Deana Paqua. Deana is a teacher and practitioner of cross-cultural energy medicine, contemporary shamanism, a reiki master teacher, licensed massage therapist, […]
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Working with Spirit Guides with Whitney McNeill
In this episode, we dive into the fascinating realm of spirit guides. Our guest, Whitney McNeill shares her extensive knowledge and guides us through this topic.
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Hope is a Trust Fall
Today is about hope and Inspiration. When there’s a gap from where we are to where we want to be, it’s the Divine magic that helps us get there.
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Working with Archangels
Over the past few episodes, we’ve talked about feeling stuck, or lost, or not having a clue about where you’re going. When you feel this way, it’s important to remember that you’re not. You are on track. These experiences are simply a part of the experience of going through a transformation. “A lot of times […]
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When You Don’t Feel You are Enough
In this episode, Patty leads the discussion on why we sometimes feel like we’re not enough, what it stems from, and how we can move past it.
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Receiving Message You Need to Hear with Oracle Cards
Patty shares her experience in having oracle cards deliver the message that she need to hear from the Divine when she was going through her desert.
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Do you feel lost?
Patty breaks down what the desert is, why periods of feeling low and lost exist, how to navigate this time, and find some inspiration along the way.
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My 5-minute Journal Process
Patty shares a how-to in this episode. She’s breaking down her personal journaling method that only takes 5 minutes. She hasn’t always journaled, and it wasn’t her favorite thing to do. Maybe you can relate. That’s why she developed her 5-minute method and practice. She explains how the things we track expand. There’s science around […]
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Creating an Oracle Card Deck (Behind the Scenes)
This episode is about Patty’s new Oracle Card Deck. She is pulling back the curtain and sharing why and how her deck came to be. Like always, Patty followed her heart and inspiration on this special project. She joined forces with Erika, her graphic designer, to help with the visual style and look of the […]
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Why Oracle Cards Build Brain Strength
Patty explains what oracle cards are and how they differ from tarot cards. While the card decks are often used for inspiration that is not the only application.
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Stepping Into the Space for Magic
Have you ever wondered how the Patty of today, the intuitive magic-embracing mom got here? She hasn’t always been intuitive, (well, she was but she didn’t know it for a long time) and she certainly wasn’t using words like magic and Divine. Meditating was what others did and an oracle card reading? She’d never heard […]
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Hunting for Signs from the Universe
Does hunting for signs from the universe work? That’s the topic for today’s episode. Patty shares why hunting isn’t as effective as receiving and how to shift from looking to seeing. First, she breaks down what she means by signs – what they are and how they show up. General signs – These signs show […]
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The One Change to Open to Spirit
We’re in hibernation! During this time we’re bringing back some of our favorite episodes. Enjoy! Patty is explaining the one change that must happen if you want to become fluent in spirit communication. That includes accessing your spirit guides, loved ones, and others when you need them. This change will also help you understand the […]
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Four Steps to Connect with Your Spirit Team
We’re in hibernation! During this time we’re bringing back some of our favorite episodes. Enjoy! Patty is sharing in this episode how to connect to your spirit guides, angels, and your loved ones. This process, the actual how-to, is one of the questions she is asked most often, followed up by: how do I know […]
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Inner Truth Rarely Comes in a Straight Line
We’re in hibernation! During this time we’re bringing back some of our favorite episodes. Enjoy! Patty shares how she’s been called to her inner home. It’s showing up in a few different ways. For her, it’s a mix of missing in person connections and a strong aversion to the virtual experiences. We are being guided […]
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Standing in the Shadow Side Spiritually Speaking
What do you need to do right now to feel safe? If you are struggling to make a decision, this question is a good place to start. Patty explains that this advice has come through for multiple people. She also shares why this advice may be showing up to more often. Are you always the […]
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Unspoken Contracts
We’re in hibernation! During this time we’re bringing back some of our favorite episodes. Enjoy! How do we become co-creators with the universe? Our journey is varied and filled with opportunity. Often, we feel capable of the doing part of things and with Patty’s help, we are also becoming better at receiving as well. What do you do when […]
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Parenting with the 100% Rule Bonus Replay
Today’s podcast is about parenting. Patty is sharing her philosophy specifically as it relates to the 100% rule. As a mom, knowing when she’s done her 100% and surrendering the rest is something she continues to work on. If you are a mom (or dad) you already understand that you can’t parent all kids the […]
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The Magic Formula
We’re in hibernation! During this time we’re bringing back some of our favorite episodes. Enjoy! Today’s episode comes from feedback and questions from listeners and people in the Space for Magic Facebook group. This concept is something that Patty has used herself. She’s sharing the “Magic Formula”, how it’s worked for her and how it […]
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Where the Law of Attraction Goes Wrong
We’re in hibernation! During this time we’re bringing back some of our favorite episodes. Enjoy! In my book, Make Space for Magic I talk about the law of attraction and how it can be somewhat toxic. There have been horrible events recently and in the Magic Lounge we’ve had comments and questions about people “attracting” violence or […]
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How to Strengthen Your Intuition with Whitney McNeill
We’re in hibernation! During this time we’re bringing back some of our favorite episodes. Enjoy! Patty is talking with Whitney McNeill, a certified medium. She shares her expertise and her approach to everything from abundance to love and our purpose. Find out how Whitney learned about using her intuition and spiritual guides. It wasn’t always […]
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Trust Your Inner Gifts
In this episode, Patty is sharing her journey to opening to her gifts and how you can open up to and trust your intuitive gifts too.
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Different Types of Intuitive Gifts
We’re in hibernation! During this time we’re bringing back some of our favorite episodes. Enjoy! Did you know that everyone is born with intuitive gifts? It’s true. Today’s episode is all about understanding the types of gifts that exist. It will help you recognize your own! Patty shares what the gifts are, and how you […]
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Soul Survival Guide to January
If “new year, new you” makes you cringe, this episode is for you. Honor that this may not be the time for you to be in planning mode.
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Doing a Cleanse to Release Resistance
We’re in hibernation! During this time we’re bringing back some of our favorite episodes. Enjoy! Have you ever felt like you were resisting things that you know you want? Patty shares how doing a cleanse has helped her with that process. In 2020 when lots of other forms of comfort were not available to us, […]
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Hibernation Highlight: Magic and Hope with the Solstice
We’re in hibernation! During this time we’re bringing back some of our favorite episodes. Enjoy! Deana Paqua is back on the podcast! After her last interview, Patty received lots of questions so she invited Deana back to answer them in more detail. December 21 Solstice is being mentioned as a very special (some say magical) […]
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It’s Time to Hibernate
In this episode, Patty is sharing the beauty of hibernation and taking breaks. When we have been in the energy of creation, rest should always follow.
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The Power of Belief
In this episode, Patty is speaking with Miriam Schulman. They talk about shifting mindsets and taking courage to do what our soul calls us to do.
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The Impact of Technology on Our Search for Meaning and Purpose
Patty is speaking with Mark Hawkins, author of The Power of Why. He points out the value in boredom and it allows for reflection & finding meaning & purpose.
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Listening to Our Inner Voice with Katie Fink
In this episode, Patty is speaking with Katie Fink, founder of MindBodySoulMarket.com. Katie shares how she trusted her inner voice to pursue entrepreneurship.
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The Impact of Hearing and Telling Stories with Becky Karush
Today, Patty talks with Becky Karush, the founder of Read to Me Literary Arts, a writing school where writers learn to dazzle themselves and us with fresh, brilliant writing. In this episode, Becky shares her experience in starting Read to Me and realizes how reading stories to her son might have influenced it. Becky also […]
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A Journey of Giving and Receiving with Michael Roderick
Michael Roderick is sharing his journey from being a high school teacher to a broadway producer and how following inspired action helped him.
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The Power of Tapping
Patty is talking with Victoria Cryder today. Victoria is certified EFT practitioner and a founding member of the Newtown Trauma and Relief and Resiliency project. She works with clients who seek to realize and create the life they want and are meant to live, helping them break free from the past and step into their […]
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We are Changing
Patty Lennon helps people who are stuck and feeling left behind to find the flow of their own soul’s journey and on today’s episode she’s sharing the new Receiving School components. “Change is the essence of evolution and this planet is evolving. This vibration of this planet is shifting upwards.” Today Patty is sharing the […]
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Divine Timing and Spiritual Contracts
Patty is sharing a never before told story about how she let go. If you are having a hard time surrendering, this episode is for you
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Tired of “Making It All Happen”
Patty talks about how feeling tired of making your manifestation happen and feeling weary can be a sign of lack and that there's always help no matter what.
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The Truth About Manifesting
Today, Patty shares a story about how her desires manifested unexpectedly. She also shares how non-attachment can help us manifest the life we deserve.
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Learning to Receive What I Didn’t Want
In this episode, Patty is speaking with Joanna Shearer about her journey from plowing through difficulties to receiving them.
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The Journey from Rejection to Receiving with Jen Liddy
Patty is talking to a client and friend Jen Liddy. As part of her transformation, she stopped focusing on being perfect and instead embraced being happy.
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When You Have No Choice but to Surrender with Shari Teigman
One of Patty’s good friends Shari Teigman is on the podcast. You’ll be inspired when you hear how Shari followed her intuition when visiting her family.
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How to Trust the Process
Patty is speaking with Lou Bortone about what it means to have a growth mindset. He shares about his journey from being a skeptic to being a receiver.
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What You Really Need Right Now
Patty is doing something a bit different on this episode. Something that the Magic Lounge members mention and one of the things that comes up in the Receiving School most often is “not knowing.” Not knowing what you need. Not knowing what your 100% looks like. Not knowing if your sign was really a sign. […]
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Parenting with 100% Rule
In this episode, Patty shares the parenting lessons she learned through her journey and how she surrendered to the Divine when it concerns her kids.
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Choose to Focus on Now with Scott Aaron
Joining Patty is an internationally acclaimed and award-winning online marketer, 3x best-selling author, top podcaster, and speaker Scott Aaron. He is the go-to specialist when it comes to converting traffic, establishing connections, generating leads, creating sales, and building personal brands all using LinkedIn. Fully immersing himself in learning LinkedIn and social media strategies, Scott quickly […]
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The Brain Science of Gateless Writing
Suzanne Kingsbury is here! She’s an award-winning best-selling author and the Founder of Gateless Writing Inc., a worldwide literary arts organization based on ancient Zen and cutting-edge creative brain science that brings writers, creative and business leaders to their highest level of Innovation and productivity. What is the Gateless Writing process? Suzanne explains what it […]
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Knowing When to Let Go
The show just hit the 4-year anniversary! Thanks for being here on this journey. Today Patty is talking about the 5th rule of receiving. Do your 100%. This is often the hardest step for many of us. We often feel like we need to do it all. Our 100% and more. Anytime we set out […]
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Are You Willing to See What’s Right?
Today’s show is for you if magic feels elusive or the messages from Spirit don’t seem to show up. Patty shares that we often have a plan to get from A to B. As we get moving, sometimes we find ourselves on a different path and instead of being open we resist and try to […]
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Grief: A User’s Guide
It’s been 10 years since Patty’s mom passed. Since that time, her dad has also crossed over. She recognized how much she’s changed and how different her own experiences have been around grief. Understanding the grief process is the topic for today’s episode. We are all going to have some experiences with grief. If you’re […]
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Where Law of Attraction Goes Wrong
In my book, Make Space for Magic I talk about the law of attraction and how it can be somewhat toxic. There have been horrible events recently and in the Magic Lounge, we’ve had comments and questions about people “attracting” violence or harmful situations. Is that really a thing? Additionally, the next thought process […]
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Hunting for Signs from the Universe
Does hunting for signs from the universe work? That’s the topic for today’s episode. Patty shares why hunting isn’t as effective as receiving and how to shift from looking to seeing. First, she breaks down what she means by signs – what they are and how they show up. General signs – These signs show […]
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Racial Justice and Creating Inclusive Communities
Patty has a special guest today to discuss racial justice and inclusivity, and what it means to live in the United States today. Iyabo shares a bit about her life. She’s bi-racial and grew up in Nigeria until age 16 when she came to the US. She explains that she didn’t know she was black, […]
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Clear Space to Make Space
Today’s show is a deep dive into receiving rule number 3. Patty has talked about the 5 rules of receiving before. Rule 3, which is clearing space to make space for magic, is the topic for today’s show. Clear spaces energetically feel good. A clean desk, a tidy closet, an organized pantry can all help. […]
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Soul Alignment with Allyson Scammell
When you tap into your soul do you feel aligned? Allyson Scammell is a master intuitive coach, psychic medium, and energy healer. Her mission is to help soul-guided leaders, influencers, and entrepreneurs to upgrade their energy frequency to gain unstoppable momentum in life and business. That is what Patty and guest Allyson are talking about […]
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The Journey from Rejection to Receiving with Jen Liddy
Patty is talking to a client and friend Jen Liddy. She’s had an amazing journey. Hear how she went from teaching high school to being a coach and business owner. As part of her transformation, she stopped focusing on being perfect and instead embraced being happy. Hear how Jen describes the impact of doing the […]
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Why We Need Connection and How to Find It
Patty shares from her experience at a recent in-person conference. This is the first one she’s spoken at or attended since before the pandemic began. She shares why this felt different for her and why she was reminded about the power of connection. The Magic Lounge is the community that Patty leads. She holds space […]
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Understanding Life Through Human Design
Patty is talking with Kelsey Abbott, a transformational leader and Instigator of Joy. She uses Human Design, professional coaching, and intuition to help humans relax into their true essence so they can experience more ease, abundance, and joy. She believes that the universe wants us to be sparkly AF and that joy is our natural […]
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The Power of Potentiality
What is potentiality? Simply put, it’s the ability to believe that something that hasn’t happened, has the potential to happen. On this episode, Patty shares a story about how she recognized her limited thinking and what she did to remove the block. It starts with a story about a puddle, feeling stuck, and […]
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Manifest Your Dreams
The episode of the Space for Magic Podcast is sponsored by the Magic Lounge. This is a vibrant community of magic-makers and receivers. Since the beginning of 2022 we’ve had an on-going discussion about dreaming. Not just dreaming, but really embracing a big vision for all of life. Patty shares how dreaming had always been […]
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How to be in Right Relationship with the World
Patty is talking with herbalist and author Maya Shetreat. They are discussing rest and turning into the quiet place for guidance. Maya explains that the “age of the guru” is over. It’s time for us to summon our inner wisdom. It’s a way to connect us with community and the divine feminine. Hear how she […]
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My Mom & Her Loved Ones
Patty talks about how to speak to loved ones who have crossed over. This is one way you can continue the relationship with people you love even after they have passed. While it doesn’t replace the experience of having a physical loved one with you, loved ones can still be available in spirit, and they […]
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The One Change to Open to Spirit
Patty is explaining the one change that must happen if you want to become fluent in spirit communication. That includes accessing your spirit guides, loved ones, and others when you need them. This change will also help you understand the guidance you receive and trust the messages that come through. You don’t have to […]
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Inspired Girl Enterprises
This is a special episode! Patty is talking to Jenn Tuma-Young and Jessica Varian Maldonado. The ladies are long-time friends of Patty’s and she’s talking to them about their work and vision. They are building a business and brand and Patty wanted them to share their experience. She explains that they are an example of […]
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Pause, Rest, Be with Octavia Raheem
Patty has a great guest joining her on this episode. Octavia Raheem has received national attention for her work training yoga teachers and diversifying the yoga and wellness industry. She’s the author of Gather, A collection of soulful sayings, poetry, and flashes of insight woven together into a single sacred garment. Her latest work is […]
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Four Steps to Connect to Your Spirit Team
In this episode, Patty shares with us 4 steps to communicate with our spirit guides, angels, and loved ones. If you ever wondered how, this is for you.
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Reconnect with Self with Victoria Albina
In this episode, my guest Victoria Albina shares how our thoughts and the story we tell ourselves help us heal our body.
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Pure Joy Wellness with Renata Joy
In this episode, Renata Joy shares how growing up witnessing illness shaped her and her mission to help women celebrate their aging.
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Peace in the World Peace in Us
What does peace mean to us? How do we make peace a priority? World events have made all of us aware how fragile things can be. We need one another. Where do the divides happen? Patty shares how she saw this with a change in mask requirements at her kid’s school. It’s not always easy […]
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Finding Flow in Your Life with Mia Moran
Mia Moran shares how she mastered her relationship with food and how this journey helped her in ways she did not expect.
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Receiving Black History
Today, I share how we can receive Black History. It's not about racism but acknowledging the ignored contributions by black people and how we can receive that.
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Author John Roedel and Conversations with God
Most of us have been conditioned to stay small and dim our light, but Author John Roedel shares how he owned his truth and how it helped others down the road.
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Standing in the Shadow Spiritually Speaking
If you have been struggling to make a decision, or feel like you're going through a rough patch, examining what makes you feel safe can help make it easier.
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Inner Truth Rarely Comes in a Straight Line
Patty shares how she’s been called to her inner home. It’s showing up in a few different ways. For her, it’s a mix of missing in person connections and a strong aversion to the virtual experiences. We are being guided to learn and re-learn what we came here to do. Rarely is growth a straight […]
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How to Master Choosing Even When You Don’t Feel Like It
Today Patty’s friend and colleague Anna Tsui joins her on the podcast. She’s a genius coach and international writer, speaker and serial entrepreneur. She is the founder of The Intuitive Business School and her bestselling book, “Shadow Magic: Turn your Fear Into Fuel and Create a Prosperous Coaching Business” shows readers how to overcome their […]
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Soul Survival Guide to January
If jumping on to new things is not resonating with you, Patty shares her survival guide to help us navigate the energy around us as we enter the 6th year.
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When Life Doesn’t Go as Planned
Patty shares why she decided to go on a sabbatical and reminds us to have compassion and patience with ourselves, especially when life doesn't go as planned.
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How to Embrace the end of 2021 to Empower Yourself in 2022
Today Patty is talking to her friend and colleague Kate Vanden Bos. She’s the founder of Leading with Intuition, a nature-based coach and an intuitive guide. Kate specializes in guiding you to live a life led by the magic of your intuition. Kate explains how her work has evolved in a way that’s felt like a continuation of […]
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Storytelling for Transformation with Michael Trotta
Today Patty is talking to Michael Trotta, a long-time friend and fellow coach. He is a self-described storyteller and mischief maker and he’s sharing his personal journey with us today. He left a teaching career that he had loved right up until changes meant the focus was on test results and not on students. To find […]
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Unfollow Your Passion with Terri Trespicio
You will love today’s episode. Patty is talking to Terri Trespicio, TEDx speaker and author. Terri describes herself as a corporate poet. She uses her command of language to her clients to help them get to the heart of what they want to share. Words that move. Today they discuss a big idea, which is […]
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Saying Goodbye, Saying Hello
Patty is sharing why she’s taking a sabbatical in December. Resting is important to receiving and you know Patty advocates that we manage our energy. She explains why she decided to take a longer time away from work. Why time off is so important. Hear how Patty came to feel the need for time away. This year she was […]
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What It Means to Hold the Light with Judith Nilan
Patty has a repeat guest today! She’s talking with Judith Nilan the author of A Call To Crone: Weaving Wisdom With Threads Of Irish Heritage and A Legacy Of Wisdom: The Genius, Power, and Possibility of Ireland’s Indigenous Spiritual Heritage. Today she and Patty are discussing the sacred pause, a topic that’s been on the minds of many. Judith referred to it […]
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Choosing Holiday Magic
No matter where you are in the world, the holiday season is beginning. It often seems that the commercialism of the season overwhelms all the other sentiments. Today’s episode is about opening up to the energy of giving and receiving. Patty reviews the 5 rules of receiving with respect to the holidays. Rule 1 – Receive Everything Everything isn’t […]
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Facing Fear and Succeeding with Debbie Adams
Patty has a special guest today. She’s joined by Debbie Adams, a member of the Receiving School. Patty wanted to chat with her because Debbie has embodied resilience and strength. She is the owner of PeopleCan business training. She teaches “entrepreneurs without an business bone in their body how to love making money.” You’ll love her energy and the enthusiasm she brings to the conversation. Hear […]
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Learning Receiving with Wendi Caplan-Carroll
Today’s podcast features a special guest. Patty is talking to Wendi Caplan-Carroll, a long-time friend, business peer and one of the people you will recognize if you read the Make Space for Magic book. Wendi’s journey encompasses motherhood, career and business as well as the passing of her parents. She shares how her father’s loss […]
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The Sacred Pause
What if you knew the Universe was asking you to stop what you are doing and simply be? Would you be able to take the invitation into this Sacred Pause? In this episode, Patty offers a new way to look at what may be happening in your life right now. She also shares what it looked […]
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The Universe is Not Playing
All of us feel the impact of energy. This week Patty shares insights about feeling pressure. When things happen that feel confusing or unfair, it’s common for us to assume that we are at fault. Something we are doing (or not doing) is the cause. Patty shares an alternative way to look at what could be happening. When we […]
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Ted Lasso is Magic
Today Patty is talking about her new favorite TV show. It may seem like a departure from her usual topics, but at the heart of it, it’s about magic. On brand for Patty and the Space for Magic podcast. The Apple TV show Ted Lasso already has fans worldwide. Watching the show will make you feel like […]
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Navigating Dark Nights of the Soul
We all know that life isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. There are dark times as well. Today, Patty is sharing another book excerpt about how we navigate through those times. No one is immune to difficulties. The last 18 months or so, the entire planet has been dealing with a pandemic and the resulting uncertainty. […]
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Can You Make It Easier?
Patty has a big announcement on this episode. You can now pre-order her book! To make it even better, she’s got loads of great bonus gifts for those who order early. Getting ready to launch a book is a huge undertaking with lots of moving parts. Patty shares that she’s found herself trying to make […]
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Turning 50, Giving Up, and Finding Community
This is a special episode! Patty is turning 50 and shares her insights on this milestone birthday. She’s excited and said she “feels like it’s the age that I was born to be.” She shares that her 40’s felt like a time where she learned what to let go of. Making space. Most of the […]
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Overcoming Indecision
Do you find yourself at odds with making decisions? Is indecisiveness showing up more than normal? This episode is for you! Patty walks you though a breathing practice to help you quiet your mind and slow the stress chemicals in your body. Most of us have unconscious programming that can block making decisions. Our brain is wired to keep us […]
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Limitlessness in Baby Steps
Becoming limitless part two! Patty talked about this in last week’s episode and she got a big response so she’s explaining more and answering questions from the Space for Magic community. Recap: Patty shared that she’s recognized the ability to be limitless in an embodied way. She realized that part of this involved giving up […]
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Becoming Limitless
Everyone can be limitless. Patty shares how she’s come to understand the concept of limitless. First, intellectually and recently, in a more personal way. Becoming limitless is possible. For all of us. How can you become limitless? Limitations feel real, and when we’re “feeling” them, they are real for us in that moment. Patty has […]
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The Illusion of Having It All Together
Have you ever struggled with getting support? Do you feel like you’re never really done with a project because you keep trying to make it perfect? The concepts of support and perfectionism come together in a unique way. It’s not always so obvious and that’s what Patty’s sharing today. Hear how Patty went from getting […]
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How to Make Big Life Changes with Jeannie Spiro (Part One)
Today Patty is joined by Jeannie Spiro, a friend and business peer. They are doing a two-part interview. This is part one and part two will air on Jeannie’s show, The Midlife CEO podcast. Jeannie is a wife, mom, former sales professional and Business Strategist. She’s on a mission to help women coaches and service-based business owners create a passion driven, multiple 6 or 7-figure business they love […]
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Magic & Nature with Lynn Trotta
Lynn Trotta joins Patty on the podcast. She’s a long-time friend, former client and Patty’s nature-mentor. Lynn is truly one with nature. Lynn’s bringing her greatest love to podcast sharing how we can get back to our roots and to find a place of belonging. How does someone become a “nature-based-mentor”? Lynn shares that she’s […]
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How to be Allies to the LGBTQ+ Community
Patty has special guest Dr. Lulu Umeh on the podcast today. She’s led an incredible life and has shared much of her wisdom in her two books. How to Raise Well-Rounded Children and The Warrior Women Project: A Sisterhood of Immigrant Women. What does it mean to live a well-rounded life? Dr. Lulu shares a bit of her […]
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The Power of Dreams and Hope
Patty’s guest is Dr. Anita Sanchez a transformational leadership consultant, speaker, coach and author. She is Nahua (Aztec) and Mexican American and in her work, she bridges indigenous teachings with the latest science to inspire and equip us to enjoy meaningful, empowered lives. You’ll love hearing how she talks about indigenous wisdom. She explains that all of us are […]
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Stepping Into the Space for Magic
Have you ever wondered how the Patty of today, the intuitive magic-embracing mom got here? She hasn’t always been intuitive, (well, she was but she didn’t know it for a long time) and she certainly wasn’t using words like magic and Divine. Meditating was what others did and an oracle card reading? She’d never heard […]
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The Magic Formula
Today’s episode comes from feedback and questions from listeners and people in the Space for Magic Facebook group. This concept is something that Patty has used herself. She’s sharing the “Magic Formula”, how it’s worked for her and how it can work for you as well. Here’s what you need to know: you/we are not […]
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The Portal Not Chosen
This is a special episode. We know that energy is everything and everything is energy. One of the things that Patty has been able to do is see energetic trends and patterns in a macro sense. Patty shares that she’s usually been able to see energy patterns to aid with planning launches, the best time […]
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Creating an Oracle Card Deck (Behind the Scenes)
This episode is about Patty’s new Oracle Card Deck. She is pulling back the curtain and sharing why and how her deck came to be. Like always, Patty followed her heart and inspiration on this special project. She joined forces with Erica, her graphic designer, to help with the visual style and look of the […]
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Why Oracle Cards Build Brain Strength
Patty explains what oracle cards are and how they differ from tarot cards. It’s important to know that every oracle card deck is different based on what the creator intended. There is usually a guidebook where the author provides insights for you. Patty shares how oracle cards build brain strength. While the card decks are […]
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Leadership and Creating Change with Gahrey Ovalle
Today Patty is talking with Gahrey Ovalle author, activist, and serial entrepreneur. After listening to his interview on her publisher’s podcast, Patty knew she had to talk to him. There is a lot to encourage all of us to see where and how we can create change. He encourages people to say less and do […]
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Understanding the Wisdom of Women with Judith Nilan
This is a special episode. Today, Patty is talking with author Judith Nilan. She and Patty had their very first conversation on the podcast and you can listen in to their discussion about Ireland and spirituality and of course, magic. Judith takes people on spiritual tours of Ireland. How fun is that? That’s not what […]
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The Moral of the Story
Have you ever wondered about synchronicities? Are they random events that seem similar or are they connected? That’s what Patty is talking about in this episode. The Divine uses all of us. Patty shares that we all have missing “pieces” and there are others who are meant to fill those parts of us on life’s […]
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Publishing, Pleasure, and Paranoia
Patty provides updates on the projects she has in the works. Her book (and why it’s different from what she originally planned) and her card deck are both in the final editing phases. Find out what sent Patty to her go-to coping solution – chocolate! It’s related to putting yourself out into the world, and […]
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Unspoken Contracts
How do we become co-creators with the universe? Our journey is varied and filled with opportunity. Often, we feel capable of the doing part of things and with Patty’s help, we are also becoming better at receiving as well. What do you do when you’ve created an unspoken (or often unconscious) contract and it stops […]
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Swan Magic, Vaccinations, and Beginner’s Mind
You know Patty always shares from her heart and today’s episode is a great example of that. She explains how she’s feeling like she’s back in “beginner mode”. What do you do when it’s time to start something new? When starting the new thing means giving up something old and familiar lots of “stuff” can […]
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The Excruciating Pain of Doing Nothing
Patty is sharing one of the things that people find difficult. They tell her it’s more challenging than (almost) anything else. Doing nothing. She’s not talking about taking a vacation, though going to another space or leaving familiar routines can be part of the process. Often, our soul or higher self knows when we have […]
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How to Strengthen Your Intuition with Whitney McNeill
Patty is talking with Whitney McNeill, a certified medium. She shares her expertise and her approach to everything from abundance to love and our purpose. Find out how Whitney learned about using her intuition and spiritual guides. It wasn’t always this way. In fact, Whitney went through a period in her life where she blocked […]
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Pendulum Magic
For the first time, Patty shares information about pendulum magic. This is just one tool that is available to us to help us receive guidance from the Universe. What is a pendulum? Patty explains that it can be anything on a string or a chain that has some weight to it. She also details why […]
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What if the Divine Doesn’t Answer
Today Patty shares the 5th rule of Receiving. It’s one of the things that can provide space for people to co-create with the universe. This episode will help you see how easy it can be to “do your part” and allow the Divine to do the rest. Do your 100%. Did you know that most […]
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Feng Shui Baby
Patty has a special guest on the podcast this week. Patricia Lohan is here talking all things home and energy and miracles! If you don’t know her, she’s a feng shui practitioner and one of Patty’s friends and go-to experts when it comes to creating great energy in your home. Did you know your home […]
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My 5-Minute Journal Process
Patty shares a how-to in this episode. She’s breaking down her personal journaling method that only takes 5 minutes. She hasn’t always journaled, and it wasn’t her favorite thing to do. Maybe you can relate. That’s why she developed her 5-minute method and practice. She explains how the things we track expand. There’s science around […]
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Manifestation and the Role of Community
Why is manifesting easier in community? Patty shares how this is happening with the Treasure Hunt in the Facebook group. Many people had the 3 items show up in a “magical” way without looking or putting any effort into searching. A few participants started to get attached to finding the items, and the community provided […]
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Love, Cancer, and Surrender
Patty shares a story that she’s never talked about before. She also explains how she handled the difficult situation. In the moment she was unable to surrender to the love extended to her. Why is surrendering important? Hear how surrendering is the key to abundance, to love, to everything life has to offer. Patty also […]
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Debt, Motherhood, and Love
Patty is sharing a powerful personal story about debt. She recently mentioned this in an email and the response was significant. This week’s episode is helpful for all of us, especially for those of us who have had to deal with debt. You may be dealing with that now. 2020 changed circumstances for many people. […]
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Different Types of Intuitive Gifts
Did you know that everyone is born with intuitive gifts? It’s true. Today’s episode is all about understanding the types of gifts that exist. It will help you recognize your own! Patty shares what the gifts are, and how you can learn to tap into them in your life. If you are one of those […]
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Simple Ways to Clear Your Energy
This is one of the most asked-for and asked-about topics. Patty shares a simple process that anyone can use to clear your personal energy field. There’s confusion around maintaining positive energy. Yes, staying positive is helpful, but the concept of “blocking” or “protecting” yourself from negative energy it can block all things. Patty explains how […]
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Why We Block Signs
This topic is something that comes up often. Why don’t I see signs? How will they show up?How do I know what is a sign? This episode will answer these questions and much more. Patty shares why we doubt the signs we receive (it’s not all our fault!) and steps you can take to have more confidence […]
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The Overwhelm Antidote
If you’re feeling like the world is closing in, or things are much harder than what you expected, this podcast episode is for you. You will feel empowered with the plan that Patty provides and explains. She shares how this (overwhelm and feeling stuck) is showing up for her and for her clients. She also […]
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How Do We Create a More Equitable World?
Is it possible to create a world that’s equitable? What does that really mean? How do we identify and measure that? Patty’s guest Nell Edgington is sharing her wisdom on this timely episode. Nell started writing her recently released book, Reinventing Social Change: Embrace Abundance to Create a Healthier and More Equitable World in 2019. […]
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Change Your Money Mind-set
Patty is talking to Barbara (Stanny) Huson. She’s an expert on money mindset. She explains the key to financial success; understanding who you have to become in order to be the container for money to show up. She explains that one of the reasons many women have money problems is because of their fear […]
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Having Courage and Asking for Help
Today Patty talks with Laura Sprinkle about courage. Facing change and being open to receiving isn’t always easy. That’s when we all reach for our inner strength. Laura’s energy is contagious. You’ve got to hear about her dance parties! The conversation is a great listen. Laura graciously shares how she’s come to step out from behind the scenes working for others, to changing from her one very successful business to a new version.
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Doing a Cleanse to Release Resistance
Have you ever felt like you were resisting things that you know you want? Patty shares how doing a cleanse has helped her with that process. In 2020 when lots of other forms of comfort were not available to us, many people turned to food. Patty shares why she decided to pursue the cleanse and […]
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Calling in Help from Your Future Self
How is 2021 going for you? Patty continues sharing about this season of change. It’s also a season for planning and looking to the future. What choices and options are showing up for you? In today’s episode Patty shares how to plan, beginning with the future (end result) and working back to today. Find out […]
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The Energy of Numbers Explained
Patty has a special guest on the podcast. Julie Ann was invited because she’s a “numbers” expert and new energy coach. New energy is what we need isn’t it? Julie Ann focuses on awakening, alignment, and ascension. You’re going to love the conversation! 2021 is a 5-year number. (2 + 0 + 2 + 1 […]
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Rescue Genius from the Daily Grind
Patty’s guest Karen Sergeant joins the podcast and it’s a great conversation! You’ve got to hear how Patty and Karen met, it’s a “magic moment” that Patty brought into her life. Both Patty and Karen are fans of the Kolbe Assessment tool. One of the topics that Karen explains is the bottleneck concept. Karen helps […]
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What Would Mary Say?
This is a special Christmas episode. Patty shares a conversation she had with Mary, the mother of Jesus. Fulfilling our destiny is why we are here, having this human experience. Like Mary, there often comes a time when we know what we’re here to do. The clarity can come slowly over time, or in a […]
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The Magic and Hope Coming with the Winter Solstice
Deana Paqua is back on the podcast! After her last interview, Patty received lots of questions so she invited Deana back to answer them in more detail. December 21 Solstice is being mentioned as a very special (some say magical) time. What does that really mean? Deana explains it as it applies to mankind in […]
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My 5 Minute Journal Process
Patty shares a how-to in this episode. She’s breaking down her personal journaling method that only takes 5 minutes. She hasn’t always journaled, and it wasn’t her favorite thing to do. Maybe you can relate. That’s why she developed her 5-minute method and practice. She explains how the things we track expand. There’s science around […]
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The Surrender Experiment with Josh Koerpel
Patty had a great conversation with Josh Koerpel, the CEO of Firebuilders, The Accountability Tool of the Future. Josh built the Firebuilders app to help his mom stay accountable while she was in the midst of writing her book. The solution came from a place of love. His mom had great success and is a […]
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Following Your Heart with Patty’s Brother and Santa
You are in for a treat! Patty is talking to her brother Jim Manning who many know as Santa. He also dishes about what it’s like to be in a family with Patty. You’ll love hearing the “spatula” story! This is also an episode about following your heart and doing what you love. Jim has […]
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Shamanic Healing with Deana Paqua
Patty has a very special guest on this episode! She’s interviewing Deana Paqua, her shamanic practitioner. They dive into a discussion about the world-wide crisis facing us today. Deana explains why there is a reckoning that’s happening everywhere. Like many of us, she was on a path in life that was okay until it wasn’t. […]
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There is Only Love or Fear
This episode is exactly what you need today. How do we learn to connect with those who see the world differently? What’s the answer to division and discord? We know that shouting (in real life or metaphorically) hasn’t worked because no one is listening. Patty shines a light on how divisiveness will only lead to […]
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Peace in the In-Between Places
What is an in-between place? Patty explains how there’s space between awareness and transformation. It’s important to remember that everything doesn’t have to be completely settled in order to be at peace. Today she shares the wisdom from the pink flamingo (wait until you hear this) and why we can use magic to embrace happiness. […]
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The Receiving School
The understanding of the receiving method started 8 years ago when Patty was helping her mom through her journey with cancer. Today Patty shares the magic behind how the Receiving School began. Learning to receive started with accepting the anger and pain around mom’s illness and passing. It was the first step of understanding what […]
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The Manifestation Myth
Why is it that most of us who are drawn to the idea of manifestation struggle to actually make it work? In today’s episode, Patty talks about some of the common approaches to manifesting and why she disagrees with these typical methods. As Patty discusses, the fundamental flaw in most of these approaches from the […]
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The Space for Magic Podcast is Here
This is the first episode of the new version of Patty’s podcast. She explains why magic is something we can all experience. She defines magic as the way to acknowledge the gifts and experiences that come from the divine. What does it mean to create space for magic? It’s about what you desire and being […]
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Resistance and Receiving
This is the last episode of the Wealth and Purpose podcast. No worries though. Patty will still be podcasting under a new name; Space for Magic. She outlines what that means to her and how you can find your own magic in the world. A big part of the shift happened when Patty was inspired […]
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How to Protect Yourself from Energy Vampires
Whether you call them toxic individuals or the more colorful “energy vampires,” people who suck the energy from you are problematic for so many of us. So how do you clear that toxic energy and also protect your own space so that you’re not dragged down as well? Today Patty shares several methods to bolster […]
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The Gift of Denial and How to Move Beyond It
What causes us to cling to denial when the facts around us might suggest otherwise? In this reflection on the 19th anniversary of 9/11, Patty talks about the complex relationship among denial, resistance, and receiving. We need to recognize that there’s a gift within denial that can be very useful, but it can also cause […]
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The Real Enemy
There’s been a lot of conversation about “the enemy we’re fighting” when talking about COVID specifically and all things pandemic related. Patty explains that this language is adding to the chaos. When we use fear, then there’s a common experience of tribal alignment. We feel like we must pick a side and invalidate anyone who […]
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Regeneration and Pivot with Carolyn Herfurth
What if we could take a step back from hustling and executing and instead, we focused on regeneration? How would that feel if you had time to rest and renew? Carolyn is the “business partner you don’t have to split profits with” and she shares her personal journey through 2020 and COVID. She also talks […]
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How to be a CEO with Jen Lehner
Patty is interviewing one of her business besties today. Jen Lehner is joining the podcast today and they are talking about being the CEO in your business. The topic is how to hire a VA that helps you make money. This is a shift in mindset from looking at support as an expense rather than […]
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The Habits of Happiness aka What to do When You Feel Exhausted
Happiness feels elusive some days. Patty mentioned in last week’s episode that storms and power outages and no internet on top of COVID had her feeling drained. This week she shares what she’s been doing to fill her cup. This isn’t about putting on a happy face and pretending that everything is okay. It’s about […]
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The List of 100’s
Episode 100! Patty planned to record this for last week. And then a huge storm happened, and she had to wait. It’s so worth it! What does it mean to be operating at 100%? Patty had a list of notable “100’s” ready to go. Then she had to postpone until the internet was working again. […]
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You Do You!
What happens when we compare ourselves to others especially when we seldom know the real story? Nothing good comes from “compare and despair” mode. Patty shares from her own experience. Things like regret and sadness were popping up which isn’t typical. Instead of fighting it, she made the effort to sit with it instead of […]
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You Don’t Have to Stay Stuck
2020 has presented all of us with unexpected challenges. Because we can’t do all the things we used to do, many of us have decided that we don’t have control over what happens. Patty reminds us that the solution isn’t outside us. Circumstances have not limited what the Universe can provide. The Universe can bring […]
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10 Most Common Ways to get Signs from the Universe
This episode was inspired by questions Patty received from her clients and Receiving School participants. She is often asked what is a sign, or how can I know I’ve received a sign? Our loved ones, our guides and our angels communicate with us all the time. These types of signs are common, but you may […]
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Creating Personal Greatness with Hamilton
Are you one of the millions of us that watched the movie Hamilton in the past few days? It inspired today’s podcast. Patty is a fan (no surprise) and she shares insights that go beyond the entertainment value of the movie. (Which is incredible) Did you know that Lin Manuel-Miranda was told (many times) that […]
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How Do I Love Myself More?
Today’s topic came from Patty’s community. She recently asked her tribe what they needed and how she could help. The answer surprised her a bit, but as she created the podcast, it became clear why this is so important right now. As part of her work around the Receiving Method and Receiving School, Patty recognized […]
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Open Space for Changing Minds
Patty shares new insights from her heart. This time of year brings back memories of Patty’s mom who passed away 8 years ago last week. It was also her dad’s birthday and of course Father’s Day. This year is unique since days aren’t filled with sports and end of school events. Patty realized that she […]
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The Art of Civil Discourse
Patty shares insights about the idea of having conversations. Meaningful discussions on difficult topics. How can we learn about things that are new to us if we refuse to listen? How can we listen if the language and dialogue is toxic? How do we change hearts and minds? Ideas, especially core values and long-held beliefs […]
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Forgiveness, Action and White Privilege
Patty addresses her feelings about the topics coming to light around racism and institutional oppression. There is imbalance in the world. It’s always been that way but that has never made it okay. She shares from her heart about not being aware of the nature and depth of the lived differences from her place of […]
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The Giving Voices Project with Marjorie Phoenix
Patty talks to author and activist Marjorie Phoenix on today’s podcast. Her book, Who The Hell Do You Think You Are? Is her personal story of survival. She went from being a stay-at-home mom in a nice home to homeless and penniless and fighting for survival. After getting back on her feet, she also founded […]
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Hey God. Hey John. Author John Roedel Shares His Message of Hope
Patty talks to John Roedel, the author of Hey God. Hey John.: What Happens When God Writes Back. She met John via Facebook after seeing one of his posts that went viral. John is a husband, father of 3, comedian, writer and an advocate for children with autism. He and Patty talk about dealing with […]
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Unmet Expectations of Isolation (did you do enough?)
As communities in all parts of the world re-open there have been lots of comments about the fact that we “didn’t do more” during our time of isolation. There’s been so much concern for what “could have been” that many of us are now wondering if we did it right. Short answer yes. Patty shares […]
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The Space to Get it Wrong
Today Patty is tackling a difficult topic. In today’s world we often sense an us verses them energy. She’s taking a personal look into a horrifying event that happened several weeks ago. Last week, video of a murder became public. Patty is sharing her insights as a white woman, a mom, and a human being. […]
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5 Simple Strategies to Stay Resilient
Patty is sharing from her heart about how to stay positive and resilient during a difficult time. Right now, we’re dealing with a global pandemic and it’s impacting us in multiple ways. Many of us feel trapped because we’re limiting things in our lives. Some big things (like no job/work) and small things like no […]
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Fix This Next with Mike Michalowicz
This is a special interview episode with author Mike Michalowicz. He has a special way of explaining complicated business concepts in his simple common-sense style. Fix This Next is Mike’s book that is releasing the same day as this episode. His inspiration came directly from his business community that shared their biggest needs. What do […]
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How to Stop Resisting Abundance
This is a timely topic. The entire world is dealing with the coronavirus. Here in the US, our government put together stimulus packages to help people who are laid off or companies who experience a significant drop in income. Stimulus money is being distributed to individuals based on income. Businesses had to apply and are […]
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Messages from Coronavirus
Today Patty shares messages from Coronavirus. Admittedly this sounds a bit out there and she knows some will think this is too much. She’s sharing it because it’s what is on her heart and she is looking to be helpful. Others who have the hard part of these messages found the information valuable and encouraged […]
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Easter Eggs, Pampers and the Truth
Patty shares from the heart (as always) and you’re going to love it. Right now, we’re all dealing with the coronavirus life-changes. Many have already experienced loss and it’s touching all of us. Today’s reminder is that we aren’t broken. There is nothing to fix. What is helpful is self-compassion. That is universal. As […]
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The Way Out is Through Receiving
Patty shares a message from Corona Virus. This is definitely a bit woo. She shared this with a few others, and they found comfort from her understanding. She then decided to share the message in-depth on the podcast. This is not for the purpose of downplaying the tragedy and difficulties for so many right now. […]
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Tapping Into Your Inner Guidance
Normal. What does that mean? In today’s episode Patty shares how the chaos of the uncertain time has slowly transitioned into her new normal. She addresses things like managing her business and the launch of Receiving School. She shares her frustration with feelings of overwhelm. Her children need more time and attention while also empowering […]
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Finding Meaning in a Corona Virus World
In this timely episode, Patty offers insights about the global pandemic and its impact. Each of us will find our own way to manage the impact and life-changing coming our way. She reminds us that with a lot of sorrow and sadness, there are some gifts as well. It’s never been clearer how interconnected we […]
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The Antidote to Fear
The entire world needs today’s podcast! We are experiencing and seeing fear around the COVID-19. It’s understandable. There are risks and knowing what to do is important. Reacting from a place of fear isn’t our best option. Here’s why. Fear lives in the amygdala part of our brain. The sole purpose is to keep us […]
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Trust Your Inner Gifts
Today Patty is talking about your inner gifts. We all have them. Some of us are already open to them, some of us are still on the journey to understanding them. That’s perfect. Wherever you are is part of your own path. There’s no right or wrong. It’s important to know you are in the […]
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Declutter Your Wallet and Other Magical Tools
You are going to love this fun episode. We all know that clutter affects us physically and emotionally. Patty shares how past participants in Receiving School saw incredible results after doing the decluttering your wallet step. Yes. That’s right. It ended up being magical! Is it easier for you to do something tangible (like decluttering […]
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Lessons from 20 Years in Love with the Same Man
Love is in the air! Patty is sharing a love story today. Lessons that come from 20 years of being in love with her husband. What is the difference from loving someone and being in love with them? How do you define that? To stay in love with another person you have to be in […]
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Lessons Learned from Writing My Book in 25 Days
Patty spent the past month writing her book. 65,000 words in 25 days! She shares how that experience has impacted her so far. Patty’s daughter helped her realize a big aha last week. Get her 3 key insights and hear how her own journey is changing and challenging her. When we’re making progress towards a […]
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Using the Power of Your Identity to Achieve Your Goals
How do you see yourself? Is it a hard question to answer? Many of us see ourselves through the lens of how others see us. You are seen as a mom, a coach, a business owner, a wife, a friend. Patty shares how writing her book has helped her shift her identity. What is the […]
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What Happens When You Deny Parts of Who You Are
You’re going to love this episode! Patty shares one of those every-day moments that we might often skip or even find annoying. Instead it brought joy and a remarkable insight. Are you the girl in the pink coat? Are you familiar with the me-not-me parts of you? She explains that we have every part of […]
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What Can a Complaining Detox do For You?
Patty is talking about peace today. Claiming your peacefulness within yourself no matter what’s going on in life will help you create a life of satisfaction. Having an inner world of peace doesn’t mean walking through life disconnected from what’s happening around you. Knowing what is true for you brings that inner state of steadiness. […]
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Full Moons, Karmic Reckoning and Meghan Markle
This is a fun episode. Patty shares her insights about the energy of the recent full moon. She hadn’t been in the whole “ramp up your new year” vibe. The changing energy that came with the full moon shifted everything. Hear how the fog lifted for Patty and how you can benefit from understanding how […]
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Goal Setting with Art with Miriam Schulman
Today’s episode is special! Welcome Miriam Schulman. She’s a podcaster, and full time artist. She brings great energy for us as we begin the new year. Find out what art journaling is and why it helps bring clarity. You don’t have to be good at drawing to benefit from this practice. Miriam and Patty discuss […]
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Predictions for 2020
Don’t miss this special episode as you start the new year. Patty shares her insights (and a few predictions) for 2020. To understand what’s going to happen, Patty explains why we are likely to see dramatic changes next year. Many of us feel weary with the non-stop crises in our global community and with issues […]
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The Inter-Connectedness of Birth and Death
Patty shares a bit of her personal understanding of the Christmas story as she understands it. As a mom, the story of the birth of Jesus in a stable, with only Joseph to help brings a new realization of how hard that must have been. Today Patty acknowledges that every birth brings a death and […]
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How to be Happy
A few months ago, Patty’s spirit guides shared the Receiving School idea and curriculum with her. She trusted the process and now the first cohort is already on week 5! The purpose of this training is to learn how to open and accept the money, love, and support available to all of us. In our […]
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Grieving at the Holidays
Today’s episode is a special one. Patty shares her experience around grieving. The intention is to provide community and support around this experience. This episode is meant to help those who are grieving and for those who are supporting others. Many of us don’t know how to show up for others who are dealing with […]
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Avoid Holiday Eco-Guilt with Guest Lynn Trotta
Patty has a guest today! Join her as she talks with Lynn Trotta about eco-guilt. What’s that? It’s that feeling we get as we become aware that we’re contributing to issues regarding the climate. This isn’t about blame, or shame or adding to the guilt. It’s about learning how to relate to our world on […]
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Holiday Help for Over-Givers
The holiday season is here, and Patty has a special message you. She’s talking to the over-givers but please know that today’s message will be helpful for everyone else too. When it comes to planning and preparing for the holidays including gift-buying and gift-giving we can all benefit with the practical, easy to do tips […]
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Indiana Jones
Patty shares how she received a business AHA from one of the Indiana Jones movies. It’s going to inspire you too! What happens when the way forward isn’t clear? We all know that when we do our 100% then the universe can step in and help us. But what if taking that first step isn’t […]
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Do You Have the Courage to get Lost?
Patty shares what it means to get lost. Lost defined: to be deprived of; to cease to have or retain something What would it be like if you were willing to lose your sense of predictability for the future? That definitely requires courage. That’s how we allow the space for magic. We often know what […]
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Fairies and Muggles
This is a special episode! Patty shares information about her recent retreat with a focus on: Mastering the Inner Game of Sales. She channels her events, trusting the divine to provide her with the information that the audience needs to hear. The universe did not disappoint! One of the things discussed; what is purpose? What […]
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The Shadow Side of Receiving
Receiving is showing up in all areas of Patty’s life. She is seeing this with her clients as well. This episode is about the energy of receiving. You’ll understand why learning to receive as much as we give is so important. Patty breaks down the shadow side of receiving. Understanding this aspect will help you […]
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How I Found Out I Was an Intuitive
Don’t miss this episode! Patty tells her never-before-shared story about how she discovered (gained access) to her intuitive gifts. She explains that we all have these abilities; we don’t all access them the same way. Hear how Patty started to receive messages. She explains a defining moment that the universe helped her to own her […]
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The Surprises and Gifts of Grief
Patty shares her journey with grief. Her father passed away in March (7 months ago) and she’s opening up about how it has impacted her. Taking care of her father’s estate gave Patty time to connect with her feelings and her grief. She explains how grief provides us with the natural ability to open up […]
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Learn to Re-Write Your Money Story
Patty interviews Cassie Parks, author and coach. She shares her purpose which is helping others re-write their money story. It’s not just dreaming about what could be. To start, she asks, “what is the title that drives the rest of your life?” Cassie shares the 4 most common types of money stories. Listen to find […]
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Can Sales Come from Self Love?
This episode was recorded on the cusp of the new moon. Patty wants that new moon energy to permeate your consciousness around your wealth and purpose. For most of us that means concerns about money and income. Patty is talking about soul work through the lens of sales. It’s an incredible perspective. In this episode, […]
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Escape the Empath’s Trap in Sales
Are you an Empath? Patty explains what an empath is. There is a spiritual journey and she talks about the brain science behind it as well. Empaths often excel at helping others feel good, and they are drawn to solving the problems of others. Does that feel familiar? In the entrepreneur world, the sales conversation […]
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Grit is for Humans, Grace is for Souls – Courage vs. Surrender
Patty takes on a couple of entrepreneur myths today. Grit and hustle. Of course, she has a different take and it’s so much better than the work-till-you-drop method. When you are heading to the finish line for your goal, you need to do your 100%. The universe doesn’t require that we have everything we need. […]
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The Missing Key
Patty shares a story about moving forward. This experience is related to her father’s passing and handling his estate. She found 9 dealer issued keys for her dad’s car. This was her mom’s doing. She always wanted the confidence of a back-up key. When a key was left in a coat pocket, she’d go get […]
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The Dysfunctional Fairytale
Patty shares how she became a purpose-driven entrepreneur. It’s a big part of her journey. The energy around what you’re creating as you build your business (the actual experience) is what you’ll have when you hit your goal. If the process includes stress and doesn’t provide the time freedom you desire, that’s going to be […]
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Next Level Thinking
Today Patty takes on the concept of getting to the next level. When we’re talking about this concept we’re usually talking about tangible results. More money, more clients, more opportunities. Of course, there’s nothing wrong any of those things. Our soul’s yearnings are important, and Patty explains why we shouldn’t ignore them. She also shares […]
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The Swinging Door
Today Patty talks about the “compare and despair” syndrome. It impacts and affects all of us; heart-centered entrepreneurs most of all. We are relational beings. Comparison isn’t inherently a bad thing. Learning from others is part of life. Modeling what someone else has done can be an effective strategy. Where we get into trouble is […]
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The Gift of Rage
Today’s podcast is about rage. It’s a tough topic. It’s hard to connect to and many of us don’t want to acknowledge it. Rage has one purpose; to move you to action. It’s can be a force for good if you can resist allowing it to become toxic. “If you are experiencing rage, there is […]
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Making it Easy on Yourself
Patty shares reflections from her first year of podcasting. She started this project without feelings of attachment. The podcast is a means for sharing the messages, experiences and stories that she feels can serve her audience. That’s still the goal. Discussing ideas around creating wealth with purpose. The only other requirement; to show up fully […]
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Dropping into Flow
Today Patty continues the conversation about dropping into flow. She brought it up in last week’s episode about enjoying the summer (or any season) and staying in flow so you can enjoy all the things happening in your life. Not into the “woo” like Patty? Neither is her husband, so you’ll want to hear how […]
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Using Summertime Well
Patty talks about the energy and mood of summer and how it impacts us. Many of us are taking time off, savoring vacations and extra time with family. If you are a business owner, this can mean spending less time working which can also impact income. This podcast will help you maximize your efforts while […]
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When I Wish I’d Done More
Today Patty talks about something we all experience now and then; the feeling that we should have done more. This can be a form of sabotage. Patty shares personal stories of how this has affected her and others in her life. A worker at their home impacted her husband during a routine interaction and that […]
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Allow The Signs
Do you get messages from your metaphysical friends? In this podcast, Patty shares that those messages are around us all the time. It’s up to us to pay attention and allow them in. Patty shares how signs have shown up for her recently. She also explains that we often miss them because we are waiting […]
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Making Wealthy Choices
This episode is about how to make choices that create wealth. Money, family, time, relationships and your health are all a part of that wealth. Patty shares a personal story about how she recently made a wealthy choice. It wasn’t her first inclination, and she almost decided to select the alternative. When faced with options, […]
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Who is allowed the space to be vulnerable?
Guest Dr. Sam Kline Today’s podcast is about our humanity. Brené Brown’s Netflix special about vulnerability was the impetus for today’s conversation. Patty and Sam discuss what this means for all of us as a society and how it impacts us individually. Who is allowed the space to be vulnerable? Sam provides historical context about […]
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The Relationship Between Gratitude and Receiving
We’ve all heard that thoughts create things and that we attract more when we are in a state of appreciation. Recently someone asked how can I accept and appreciate things when I don’t have what I need; when times are difficult. Patty shares how accepting and appreciating are different and why they can both be […]
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The Sacred Art of Receiving
We’ve been programmed to believe that giving is good and receiving is bad. Especially if we’ve been told it’s not okay to ask for what you want or need. That’s most women, especially those of us who feel called to help others. Patty shares an experience about how over-giving, and being uncomfortable receiving impacted her. […]
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Defining and Connecting with Your Ideal Client
Patty shares how aligning with your ideal client is more than just a list of who you can serve or who might want to work with you. She shares how she’s done this for her business and helps her clients do this as well. It starts with aligned values but it’s much more than that. […]
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3 Energetic Shifts to Increase Sales
Patty takes a unique approach to understanding and learning how to have good sales conversations. This episode will change how you look and feel about selling. Shift One – Help your customer connect to the vision of what they want. Patty shares how you can help with this shift for yourself and for your clients. […]
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How to Deal with Critics and Haters
Patty addresses this challenging topic with wisdom from her own personal life experience. If you are showing up and putting yourself in a place to make an impact, it’s possible, maybe even likely, that critics or haters are going to show up as well. This year has already been filled with intense energy around this […]
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What to do When You Want to Quit
Today Patty shares what to do when you feel like quitting. When everything feels like it’s taking more than you can give. The spring energy comes with the spirit of renewal and new beginnings and fresh starts. But some of you may be coming out of the winter feeling tired and exhausted. The idea of […]
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What to do When the Unexpected Happens
Today’s podcast is especially important. Life is going to surprise you with a curve ball now and then. What you do today will shape how that experience will impact you in the future. Patty shares how she has been able to deal with the unexpected loss of her father. It’s a powerful reminder to remember […]
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Showing up and Truth-Telling to Attract Your Perfect Clients
Today’s episode is a bit different. Patty is sharing from her heart like she always does, but she’s also sharing how something that didn’t go as expected ended up being just what she needed. When we aren’t getting the results we want, we often assume that it’s because we’re missing some piece of the puzzle. […]
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Learning How to Have Sales Conversations
Patty shares her personal story about sales and selling. You may not know it, but she wasn’t always good at having sales conversations. She explains how hard it was for her and what she did to get better. This podcast is for anyone who wants to be better at those sales conversations. If you know […]
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Having a New Lens Can Show You New Ways To Grow
This podcast may challenge how you’ve looked at race and other issues around diversity and inclusion and spirituality and love. Today Patty talks with Dr. Sam Kline who writes and speaks about race and love and what it means to be a human who wants all the good things life has to offer. Sam has […]
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Learn how to get it all done in 20 hours a week
This episode is a powerful new perspective on managing your time. It’s a skill that Patty has learned because it wasn’t something that came naturally to her. She also talks about time and productivity as part of your value system. It’s about so much more than scheduling every minute. It’s about owning what’s important to […]
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The Difference Between Your Purpose and What You Do
You can be living your purpose every moment of every day. It may be related to your work, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s about perspective and understanding how you embody your purpose in all parts of your life. This podcast explains the difference between what you do and even why you do it […]
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Feng Shui and The Impact It Has On Your Life
Patty and Patricia (yes, 2 Patricia’s today) talk Feng Shui and the impact it has on your life. There are so many great tips you’ll want to take notes. I promise you’ll hear something that’s going to inspire you. The upcoming Chinese New Year aligns with the lunar new year. If 2019 isn’t starting as […]
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How to create and support that bigger-than-you-dared goal
Patty shares her insights about her decision to leave her corporate banking job 10 years ago! She shares how she has gained resiliency and the lessons learned with the benefit of perspective. You’ll be encouraged and inspired. In today’s podcast, Patty explains how to create and support that bigger-than-you-dared goal. More than anything, Patty wants […]
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3 things that everyone can do right now to expand their connections
Karen Yankovich is CEO of Uplevel Media, a social media marketing firm delivering profitable cutting-edge digital strategies, and host of the popular podcast “Good Girls Get Rich”. Karen is an internationally recognized LinkedIn Expert and Social Media Consultant who is a genius at helping businesses use LinkedIn and a range of other social spaces profitably. In this episode, Karen […]
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End Of Year Message
Patty shares an end of year message in this podcast
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When we choose love, we are taking our personal power back
Scarlett shares Jesse’s story and how she decided to be part of the solution in society. Forgiveness is a key part of Scarlett’s journey. Find out how it has benefited her and how she incorporates it into her program. Hear her definition of forgiveness and learn why forgiving is an integral part of healing. Scarlett […]
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Celebrating Marriage
This is a special episode about marriage, which is a little different from what I normally talk about. I’m doing this to honor my cousins Ann Marie and Tony Martelli who are celebrating their 40th Anniversary today. Ann Marie lived with us when I was growing up so she’s like an older sister to me. […]
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Feeling Wealthy at Christmas
Patty shares from her personal experience about how to set yourself up for a joyful, fulfilling season. The winter solstice takes us from the darkest day and from there the days get brighter. It’s a natural time of inspiration. Take some time to really think about what is most important to you regarding wealth. Having […]
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Process improvement and change management
Katherine Siemionko specializes in process improvement and change management. She began her career in the private sector, eventually finding herself pushing against a glass ceiling on Wall Street. Having been raised with the belief that people, collectively and individually, have the power to drive change, Katherine took the fight against inequality in the workplace public […]
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The days of the good girl are over
Regena says “the days of the good girl are over”. It’s time to unveil your true essence, wake up to your wisdom, and reclaim your power. Through women’s circles and retreats, I bring women together to deepen their soul work, increase their confidence, and become the leaders of their lives without guilt and apology. Regena […]
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Creating a Personal Retreat for Yourself
Patty shares how and why she creates a retreat for herself. This isn’t about escaping, it’s about honoring yourself. Many of us are used to giving to our family, our clients, our communities and more. We don’t give to ourselves and often, we’re sharing from an ever-decreasing well of energy. Never give from the depths […]
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Learn from Your Challenges
Patty talks with Wendi Caplan-Carroll a great marketer and a master at helping women grow in their business. Today’s conversation starts with the limiting belief that it’s “too late.” Wendi, a self-described late bloomer, shares why it’s never too late! Wendi’s definition of wealth: Wealth happens when I let miracles in. When I let the […]
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In our greatest pain, comes our highest purpose
Barbara is one of the first people I thought of when planning this podcast. She’s been instrumental in my life and how I think about money. She has a great way of taking things that feel complicated and breaking them down into easy-to-understand steps. Barbara shares her story about wealth and money. It’s relatable because, for […]
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Connect to the Story Inside of You
Gail is my speaking mentor. She helped me to connect deeply to the story that was inside of me. Gail Larsen’s work has been described by Fast Company as “transforming your relationship to your voice via the deepest stirrings of your soul.” She takes what is often considered our greatest fear–public speaking–and helps us understand […]
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How to keep the faith when things don’t work out as planned
Wealth and Purpose Podcast with Jennifer Zwiebel. Jennifer helps entrepreneurs put form to their vision. I was fortunate to connect with her at a women’s event where we shared our big vision and what we needed to help us make it a reality. Jennifer immediately and graciously saw how she could help and did just […]
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I almost Gave Up
Patty shares her personal story about the time when she nearly gave up. She realized that what she expected to feel and experience as a successful business owner was not her reality. Maybe you’ve been here too? Maybe you wonder if you’re building a business that fuels you instead of draining you. You are not […]
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What growing into your dreams can mean for you!
Traci Bild is the Founder and CEO of Bild & Company (Est. 1999), a national healthcare consulting. Providing the sales and marketing infrastructure for small to midsize operators, her firm has helped hundreds of organization close revenue gaps, gain a competitive edge and strengthen their financial operation. The author of three books, 7 Steps to […]
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$50 investment into a $5 million company
Boni is an author, blogger speaker and expert on conscious creation. Boni grew up in New York State, and started an MBA and a JD, completing all but a year of the dual degrees before realizing it wasn’t her bliss. She then discovered the law of attraction, and it has been her passion ever since. […]
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Learn how to allow (things to happen) verses effort-ing
Susie is a friend and mentor that I met recently and right away I recognized that she has the wisdom of a sage. Today we’re going to hear her incredible story. After a challenging divorce that left her with a considerable amount of debt, Susie pieced her life back together and created a tremendous amount […]
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Wow, TedX talk that just hit 4 million views!
My guest today is Terri Trespicio, brand advisor, a writer and a speaker-consultant. She has a TedX talk that just hit 4 million views! I was recently a speaker at one of Terri’s events and I’m going to share some of the great info I learned there as well. Terri is also a standup comic, […]
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My 10+ Years of Speaking Experience
I share my experience garnering 50 speaking gigs in 50 weeks. Hear how and why I did it and why it was such a transformation for me personally and professionally. I’m sharing behind the scenes information, to empower you to take on the big, awesome thing that you’ve been called to do. Find out how […]
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Mom & Daughter: How They Embrace Wealth & Purpose
Kate White BIO The former editor-in-chief of Cosmopolitanmagazine, is the New York Times bestselling author of twelve murder mysteries and psychoglocal thrillers (including The Secrets You Keep) and also several influential career books, including the recent bestseller, The Gutsy Girl Handbook: Your Manifesto for Success. Hayley Holbrook BIO A graduate of Boston University School of Theatre and London’s Met Film School, now works in the […]
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Wealth: It’s about much more than money
** ENTER TO WIN ** This week we have a special giveaway sponsored by my friend and guest, Angela Jia Kim. Angela coined the phrase Give, Give, Get. She found that the more she focused on giving in business, the more that was returned. We want you to feel the spirit of #GiveGiveGet. Nominate your favorite […]
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From Hobby to Million Dollar Business with Laura Kelly
Laura shared a great piece of advice to me when I needed it most and it was such a blessing to me. On the podcast, she shares the nitty gritty details of inspiration, loss and success. She doesn’t sugar coat her journey; instead, she explains how she took challenging circumstances and refused to let them […]
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Why you can’t give too much with Jen Lehner
Jen Lehner, a Digital Marketing expert, wife, mom, professor and Peloton enthusiast defines wealth through growth and sharing. Jen shares her purpose and how she used to feel like it wasn’t worthy. Find out how she realized how her impact is connected to her purpose. Find out why Jen ignored the advice of many (respected […]
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Welcome to the Wealth & Purpose podcast!
In this inaugural episode, I’m sharing how I learned to live my purpose. I’m also sharing how I know that purpose-driven entrepreneurs are meant to have wealth with purpose. I’m sharing: How I built my business with those big life questions about living my life with purpose. Why it’s important for those who are connected […]
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