A few weeks ago when we were cleaning some papers out at my dads, I found an envelope. In it was the very first marketing piece I ever created.
It was a letter to friends and family letting them know I had left corporate banking and was now officially “open for business” as a coach.
As I started to read it I thought FOR SURE I’d be cringing. I mean this was written at a time when I knew exactly NOTHING about marketing myself. But you know what? It’s pretty good.
In fact, as I thought back on it and what I now know about marketing I can tell you it’s the best marketing I’ve ever done and here is why…
It is the marketing that got the ball rolling. Until you do the first, you can’t have the second…. Or the 3rd, 4th and 5th piece of marketing.
Until you do something, you don’t know whether it works. If it works a little you make it better. If it doesn’t work at all you determine whether to rebuild or redirect. That is what creates great marketing.
This marketing piece didn’t work at all by the way. I got zero clients from it and no one ever mentioned it again. I never did another letter like this but I did lots of other things that worked. If I never sent this letter I would still be sitting at my desk wondering how to get more clients.
And like most marketing that “doesn’t work” … years after it was sent I am finding out that it created a result I never actually knew about. It made my mom and dad proud.
The other day on Facebook a woman joked about the fact that she finally got the registration page up on her first webinar ever and she has one sign up – her mom. I told her a day would come where getting webinar registrations will just be a normal occurrence. And when that day comes the most fun thing that can happen is to have your mom (dad, best friend, sister etc.) sign up for your webinar.
Because the real gift of great marketing is that it creates stability in your business that allows you to focus on the people, places, things and experiences that actually do matter.
If you’d like help setting up your marketing so it creates these kinds of consistent results I’m going to be giving a free training next week. During my 5 Days to Create Your (rinse and repeat) Marketing Machine you’ll get my step-by-step help to build your marketing plan + marketing calendar.
You can grab your spot here.
And as an added bonus to anyone that registers, I’ll be sending a copy of this first marketing piece, along with a breakdown of what worked, what didn’t and what I’d tell my 10-year younger self if I was sending that marketing piece today!
Join me and hundreds of others as we build our #MarketingMachine next week – woot woot!
Grab your spot by clicking here.
In love and light,
P.S. It is probably worth it to sign up just so you can get a look at my first “professional” photo and the cool letterhead I designed myself. Register here.
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