I first “met” Dr. Samatha Kline on Facebook. We still haven’t figured out exactly who connected us or why. Ahhhh the beauty of Facebook.
We were friends for at least a year before I even saw one of her posts. When I did I was immediately pulled in.
Sam writes with a beauty, intensity and intelligence that often takes my breath away or leaves me pondering her words for hours.
I love to read. I love good storytellers. Sam has quickly become one of my favorites.
Sam was also abused as a child. She worked hard to overcome and escape her childhood by focusing on school but even that was almost derailed because she was accused of a crime she didn’t commit. The list of crappy things that have happened to Sam over the course of her lifetime is long but if you were to meet her and hear her speak you’d never know it.
Sam is gentle and kind and wise.
She has also figured out a way to take all that has happened to her and make a difference in the world using her voice, using her story.
That is why I invited her to speak at Wealth & Purpose LIVE on May 10th. I’ve asked her to share her journey with you and most importantly to share how to use your voice and your story to grow your brand and your impact.
Just being around Sam will change what you believe is possible for yourself.
If you haven’t purchased your ticket yet, you can do so here: https://www.pattylennon.com/wp
Wealth & Purpose LIVE is an event that will give you the business tools you need to not only make more money but have the greatest impact possible.
I would love to see you there!
In love and light,
P.S. If you want to meet Sam, you can do it on May 10th by grabbing your ticket here: https://www.pattylennon.com/wp
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