I’ve been speaking with a number of new members and potential members these last two weeks at Mom Gets A Life. I’ve been both happy and sad to find that, as I suspected, so many of us feel alone in our path through motherhood.
Do you feel that way?
Do you feel like the problems you are facing somehow make you less than a great mom and as a result you never speak of them?
Or are you ashamed of the fact that you rarely have sex with your partner and can’t really pinpoint the reason but believe it’s somehow your personal failure?
Do you look at your children as they sleep with deep, unabashed love yet find yourself screaming at them during their waking hours… And just know that once again you are a very, very bad mother?
Do you drink, eat, run or take drugs to numb the emotions that seem determined to rise to the surface but are just too uncomfortable to talk about with people you know?
Well, I’m here to tell you that you are not alone. Every mother I spoke with these last few weeks ranks among the rock stars of motherhood (in my estimation) and each still feels alone – alone in her stress, alone in her imperfection, alone in her struggle.
It’s probably not hard to understand why this would make me sad, but why did it also make me happy? Well, selfishly, I like to know I’m normal. Also, I’m clear on how I can help.
Once I started speaking honestly about my experiences as a mother a few years ago, much of the pain I was experiencing lifted. Of course it took more work than just being honest, but honesty did create a new level of freedom from pain. I suspected it could do the same for others, which is why I designed the Pledge and created the Members Forum at Mom Gets A Life.
I just couldn’t be sure what helped me would help other moms on a large scale. But from what I’m hearing, it is! And that makes me happy! Solutions make me happy! Honesty makes me happy!
So if you are feeling a bit lonely – why not join us at Mom Gets A Life? And if that doesn’t work for you – grab someone you can trust and tell them the truth about what your feeling.
The truth really can set you free!
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