Last night my husband, Matt, received a call from one of his clients, a distributor. That client’s customer was complaining about the equipment that Matt’s company manufactures.
It’s not typical for Matt to handle end-user issues. Usually, the distributor can handle it and if not, it goes over to tech support. But something about it tugged at Matt’s heart so he decided to respond.
He was on the road and happened to be in the end user’s town. The likelihood that he would be so close was pretty slim. He took it as a sign.
The end user of the equipment was a 76-year old widow. Her husband had died and she clearly felt overwhelmed by pretty much everything in her life. Within a few minutes, Matt was able to show her she had a switch in the wrong position. The equipment whirred to life and did its job.
She was relieved. She cried as she told Matt how alone she felt. He listened. He’s a really good listener. He’s also incredibly kind.
When he called to tell me the story he said “This is right up your alley…” because he knows I know the Divine can use us in all work, in any scenario.
Matt was so close to sending that sweet scared widow to tech support but instead, he listened to his soul. Today he will walk through his day differently. Life will be easier simply because he made a difference in the world.
The Divine gives us that opportunity every day – to make a difference. It isn’t always in the way we expect it and sometimes it comes at the end of a task that common sense would say is a waste of time.
Magic happens when we follow our soul’s guidance. Sometimes that magic helps us. Sometimes it helps another. Every single time it changes us.
I’m not suggesting you head out and go do tasks that feel like a waste of time. That would be silly. But when your soul gives you a nudge, don’t let your brain overwrite that Divine wisdom.
The very thing you may need to pull you out of a funk or lift you even higher may be the chance to help another. The Divine usually pulls double duty with Her miracles.
And in case you are wondering, Matt’s miracle came because he had been wishing he didn’t have to travel this week. He’s been on the road FOREVER and he was really looking forward to a week in his own bed. But a minor emergency had him heading up to Syracuse yesterday. He feels a lot better knowing the real reason he didn’t get to kiss his kids good night last night was because there was a little 76-year old widow who needed someone to talk to and the Divine thought he’d be the perfect person to send!
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