We are already into February and maybe you haven’t accomplished what you wanted to accomplish. You might even feel “behind the 8 ball”. GOOD NEWS! You are not alone and there is a reason you feel like this…
Yesterday marked a brand new year both with the Chinese calendar and the Lunar new year it is based upon.
Most people are not able to launch into New Year energy in January. There are emotional, physical and energetic reasons for this that my friend and Feng Shui expert Patricia and I talked about on my podcast last week. Take a listen here to learn more about why that is.
I was born in a year of the pig so I am especially excited about this year. It feels like a coming home, or perhaps a coming full circle.
To support this PIG energy of wealth, this week I’m spending time following Patricia’s instruction on how to turn my home (and home office) into the prosperity attracting delicious space it is meant to be. You can follow her advice here in this training series also: https://www.pattylennon.com/
What I most want you to realize is that you are more likely to launch/start/takeoff/vision on this true energetic new year than you would on January 1st so make this the start of your year. Build a place and make it happen.
This year is all about wealth and celebration!!! Let PIG wisdom guide you!
In love and light,
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