Does hunting for signs from the universe work? That’s the topic for today’s episode. Patty shares why hunting isn’t as effective as receiving and how to shift from looking to seeing.
First, she breaks down what she means by signs – what they are and how they show up.
- General signs – These signs show up and mean the same thing for all of us. Pennies from heaven is one of the examples she shares.
- Personal signs – These signs are specific and personal to you. It’s meaningful for you because of the context involved.
- Chosen signs – This is when you ask for something specific to show up in your awareness to resolve doubt and receive requested assurance.
Next, she addresses the brain science around seeing and receiving signs. Our brain often works against our ability to receive. Patty shares why this is and how you can recognize when your brain is trying to keep you from seeing them.
The Universe always answers our requests, but we often discount what we see or miss the signs completely. Hear how you can recognize the way this pattern shows up for you and how to stay open.
The only thing for you to do is to receive the sign. How do we allow this? Patty shares great examples to help you do this for yourself.
- Breathe and slow down your nervous system.
- Affirm what we know to be true.
- Practice letting go.
If it feels okay to you to share what you are looking for, then it can be possible for others to see the sign that’s meant for you. The examples Patty shares will show you how someone else may see your sign to help you receive it.
If you want help seeing your signs, join the Magic Lounge and get support and new insights around your gifts and your signs. Join the Magic Lounge Here
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