One of my mentors recently asked me to commit to double my income in the second half of the year. In her words, I create a special kind of magic when faced with outrageous goals.
Naturally, my initial response was total and complete fear. The kind of fear that doesn’t have a name or a shape. It’s like a big cloud of “oh sh*t” just fills your body.
Coincidentally, at this very same time the women in Soul Infused Profit Plan have been experiencing the exact same thing. They’ve come to the end of the program have everything they need to create their targeted income and many have said “Oh sh*t.”
I know what they are going through because I’m going through it. It’s that feeling of knowing you can do something but now you’ve got to show up and make it happen. Its that weird fear that is an equal combination of “fear of failure” and “fear of success.”
I’ve learned how to exit this amorphous pile of mental bullsh*t pretty quickly and I shared my process with the group. They told me “YOU HAVE TO BLOG THIS!!!” So I am.
Here is what I do when I know I can do something, but the small scared part of me what’s to cry…
- I notice my self-pity. I hear myself saying nonsense like “God, why do you make this so hard!” (You have to look that crap right in the face and see it for the lie it is).
- I stop. No point trying to push forward with the scared part of me in charge.
- I asked God to take this fear from me. To show me grace and wisdom.
- I wait. For inspiration. I take no action unless it feels inspired.
- I remember my choices. I think about all the ways I can move forward.
- As soon as I feel inspired action, I take action- quickly and boldly. (This one typically frees me from the littleness I was feeling because I’m combining the power of the Divine with my higher self).
And at each step, I care for myself with sleep and kindnesses.
I want you to know that fear and overwhelm never stop being a part of the process. But now I see them as signs I’m about to up-level. If you are experiencing fear or overwhelm use this as a way to build your process for dealing with overwhelm and fear.
Resistance doesn’t work.
You must walk through your fear.
Love love love to each and everyone of you!
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