When something horrific happens, like the tragedy in Boston, it is hard not to notice darkness. The news is filled with images that leave us feeling things that aren’t helpful.
There are a few articles and links that have helped and comforted me this week and I wanted to share them with you now.
Stephen Colbert did a tribute to Boston that made me laugh and cry. Laughter and tears are equally important when we feel confused and afraid: http://www.boston.com/news/source/2013/04/video_stephen_c.html
We have an obligation to grow our light in the world and create love. If we didn’t understand that before we must start to see how critical this is. Love is the only true weapon against hate and violence. And our children deserve a world filled with love.
The more love we create, the less room anger has to breathe. My friend Lisa Hayes shared an article about how to be a hero today. When we keep our fear from turning into anger we offer the greatest gift we can. It is a challenge that is easier said than done but I know she is right.
Finally these two articles here and here helped me focus on what to do to support my children this week. Darkness cannot live in light. Please share your light with the world. We need it more than ever before.
If you or your family was directly affected by the tragedy that occurred in Boston I am praying for you. If there is a more tangible way I can help please email me at patty@momgetslife.com.
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