There is an amusement park where I grew up that holds a treasure. Besides being the location of the iconic Zoltar scene from the movie BIG, it boasts one of the oldest wooden roller coasters.
The Dragon Coaster brought so much joy to my childhood. Simply seeing it in the distance as we approached the parking lot sparked excitement unmatched by anything else.
It continued to be objectively thrilling right up until my dad died in 2019. My thrills didn’t die in 2019 with him by the way. It was something else, which I’ll explain in a moment.
Before I do, a little background…
The coaster was built the same year my dad was born (less than one month apart) – just a few miles from each other. That detail added to the love and nostalgia I had for the ride. We rode it together until he died just before his 90th birthday!
On our last ride, my dad mentioned that it felt like the ride was slower, which is kind of crazy because you’d think an 89-year-old man would want it to be slower. He didn’t and neither did I.
It took some of the fun out… that it didn’t seem to have the same “punch.”
My cousin recently asked the park operators if the ride was slower and it turns out it is. They said too many people complained about the speed so they slowed it down.
They ruined it.
You may be experiencing something similar in your own life and not realize it.
Right now the vibration on the planet is increasing at a rapid pace. It brings about increased speed in intuition, healing, and manifestation. But that speed only works for you if you are expanding at a similar rate.
For some, the speed is scary so they are doing their best to slow it down. They do this by being grumpy, problematic or as my mom used to say “being a pill.”
Humans around the planet are doing it in big and small ways… lashing out in ways that bring others down to slow the vibration down. The thing is you don’t have to let this slow YOU down.
When you experience other people as “heavy” it is likely they are vibrationally managing their own world and you somehow got on their ride. It is ok to get off that ride.
Ways to exit another person’s ride:
- Put some space between you and them
- Don’t take what they say or do personally
- See them as whole and loved (which they are) without trying to fix them
When you do you’ll find the speed and excitement in your own life will start to pick up. The really awesome thing about that is when you’re operating at a higher frequency you show others what is possible.
Now if I could only figure out how to get the park managers to bring the Dragoncoaster back to its former speed glory…
Wishing you play and love,
P.S. Your own intuitive gifts will begin to grow as you allow your vibration to increase, so get ready for some really cool magic! Personally, I’ve started channeling a group of higher consciousness that has some wonderful advice. I’ll be sharing more about what they are saying in the coming weeks.
P.P.S. If you have any questions about this please reply back and ask! I realize much of this is easier said than done and I want to help!
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