Today is the anniversary of my father-in-law’s death. Yesterday was my mom’s birthday. The day before, the anniversary of my own father’s death.
A grief trifecta. An abundance of love.
My father-in-law loved me in the sweet stoic way only an old Irishman could. I miss him. I miss all three of them.
Beyond the grief, I can’t help but find it fascinating that the date of these two men’s exits is nestled around my mom’s birthday. Almost as if they got together and said “Ok all this loss is going to be hard on our family, let’s not spread it out shall we?”
If you knew my dad and father-in-law that would be exactly the way they’d think.
They were friends since childhood. Their politics and football teams were complete opposites but their values and love of family were exactly the same. Their grandchildren were the light of their lives.
I’ve asked both of them why they chose to exit when they did. Really what I want to know is “Am I right? Were these dates orchestrated as one final way to care for us?”
My father answers very simply “It was time.” My father-in-law doesn’t answer at all. He always was a man of few words. My father on the other hand was a man of MANY words. I’m surprised he hasn’t had more to say on the topic.
Perhaps it’s not his to tell. Or maybe that “it was time” is all there is to say. Lord knows he still has plenty to say on other topics
I’ve asked each of them if there is something I can offer you in this email. Some wisdom or inspiration.
My father-in-law showed me a heart.
My mother said “love”
My father said “remember kindness”
Sometimes it only takes a few words (or a symbol) to tell us exactly what we need to know.
As you walk through this day focus on love and remember kindness. If you get a message of your own, reply back and let me know. I love hearing those stories!
With love,
P.S. I know it may feel like talking to your loved ones in Spirit requires special skills. It really doesn’t. They are so close. If you’d like help, my Spirit Connection Course is a great place to start. Use code scc50 for a special surprise ;). (Hint: My dad always did love a good deal!)
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