I have a confession. I slept with our UPS man.
It was years ago but its a memory as clear to me today as it was 6 years ago when it happened.
I’ve always had a thing for guys in uniform so that may be part of the reason. I loved my husband at the time, I still do. He always looked great in a suit and tie. But there is something about that brown shirt and pants that made me a little weak in the knees.
Of course, my husband, Matt, was the one wearing that UPS uniform. Get your mind out of the gutter!
In 2013, Matt had been out of work for close to two years when he heard UPS was hiring temp workers for the holidays. He told me he was applying. I guess in some people’s eyes the idea of a guy that had an MBA and had previously made a 6 figure salary deciding to take a temp job hauling packages might have seemed like a step back.
But for me, it was just the opposite. My husband wasn’t looking for status or acceptance, he was looking to make a contribution. I’ve never been more attracted to him than the first day he walked through the door with that uniform.
It wasn’t just the uniform, either. It was the energy that emanated from him. As the days passed the energy grew. He was happy doing this work. It was physical and valuable and he got paid to do it – a pretty good combination for an athletic dude like Matt.
Eventually, the holiday season came to an end and Matt’s temp job did too. He had done so well it looked like he might be offered a job in their corporate offices. I was excited for him. He had followed the flow and he hadn’t judged it or questioned it. And it took him exactly where he needed to be.
In the end, he did not take the job with UPS. I don’t remember if it was even offered. Almost immediately after his UPS gig ended, he received a job offer as a general manager with another company and took that position. The vibration of doing something valuable and being paid created abundance for Matt.
That story has been on my mind a lot lately. Mostly because I know a few entrepreneurs thinking about looking for a job. They are frustrated with some aspect of running their own business and getting a job feels like a relief.
There is a big stigma in the entrepreneurial world to “work for the man.” Having happily worked in corporate for 15 years I find that stigma is ridiculous and annoying.
What I’ve told each of these entrepreneurs, what I’ve always believed, is that there is no shame in feeding your babies. There is no shame in doing what you need to do to secure your foundation. Screw what other people think!
However, it is critical that you make that choice from a place of power, not a place of fear.
Matt didn’t take the temp job with UPS because he was afraid. He knew what he wanted – to work. He felt guided to that job and his faith yielded great abundance. The path to wealth creation is not a straight line. The Divine often has a plan we don’t fully understand. Trust in our inner guidance is the only way to navigate that journey.
If you are struggling to make a decision because you are afraid of what another person might say, or just can’t fully tap your own inner guidance, I’d love to help you. You can book a Soul Session here.
And if you simply needed to hear that it is ok to make that choice you’ve been wanting to make, that choice you’ve been called to make, even though it doesn’t make sense to anyone else, then I hope this helped.
Here is what I want you to know for sure: The Divine has your back. Always. Without condition.
In love and light,
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