Last week I shared the key to making more money. It boils down to one thing – having more sales conversations. Sales conversations can be scary. At least they were for me in the beginning. It wasn’t until I hired a business coach that was able to mentor me in sales that I started to […]
The Key To Making More Money
I just hung up the phone with an entrepreneur who is still in the early stages of developing her business. She was asking for advice on whether she should invest in a particular type of certification for her business. During the course of our conversation she told me (speaking in almost a whisper) that she […]
What defines you?
Yesterday was September 11. I don’t say much on September 11. My silence is mostly out of respect for those who were directly affected by the events on this day in 2001. I’m also a little afraid of getting it wrong, of offending someone who is still grieving. I was close enough to the loss […]
The Power of a Niche
Bring up the word “niche” in a group of purpose-driven entrepreneurs and you are likely to hear groans and growls. Niche-ing feels limiting for many. You are a lightworker, a healer, a magician! You can help anyone, right? Well not quite. You may be able to serve many but that isn’t your purpose. You have […]
When Do We Stop Believing in Magic?
Last night I had a gut-wrenching conversation with my nine-year old son that left me in tears. It started with this question: Are you the tooth fairy, mom? For many parents this conversation is hard but certainly not one that a person might label “gut-wrenching” but it was for me, and here is why… Underneath […]