Two weeks ago I announced that this year I will be giving all my knowledge away…for FREE! I gave the first in a series of trainings intended to support this goal and the results shocked and amazed me. In this week’s video blog I answer the question I’ve been getting from many people – why […]
Lessons in Greatness
Walking the path of entrepreneurship has often led me into a tangled wood filled with fear and doubt. I’ll be skipping down the path of “living my bliss” and suddenly I’ll stop short, look around and think “where the hell am I? How did I get here?” Fear and doubt takes its cue from that […]
should you just give up?
I just want to give up! I’ve heard these words from hundreds of women. I’ve said these words hundreds (probably thousands) of times. Giving up, or rather the desire to give up, shows up when we don’t think that what we want is possible. But we are so very wrong. When you lose faith in […]
What to Do When School is Canceled?
Well today’s one of those days. A two-hour school delay for my kids was miraculously transformed into a snow day for the entire family by a single inch of snow. What’s an entrepreneur to do when school is canceled? Two years ago this would have sent me into a tailspin. I would have been silently […]
The Gift of Jealousy
At the cusp of a new year I take stock of all the gifts the passing year has brought me… the building blocks of this new year. Hands down at the top of the list of “Gifts of 2014” is the acceptance of jealousy. In the past I always thought less of myself when I felt […]