If your life is feeling little tipsy turvy at the moment today’s message is for you…
As the vibration on the planet increases, people respond in two ways. They ride the rising tide or resist it.
A misunderstanding I used to have about this whole vibration game was that if my vibration increased then my life would get incredibly better, easier, wonderful. When that didn’t happen right away I assumed (incorrectly) that I was doing something wrong.
If you have been doing your best to follow your souls guidance and things haven’t been going according to plan this may help you understand why. If I had understood this sooner it would have saved me from a lot of doubt and anxiety.
As your vibration increases, your soul gains power over your ego. This scares your ego. It also upsets your brain (because our brain wants things to say the same no matter what.)
With the ego and brain wanting to squash the souls guidance, it would make sense that they would find ways to mess with our progress.
This can be especially true when you do something big to own your power. Maybe you quit a job, end a relationship or set a boundary. All of these changes require huge courage. You’d think there would be a big reward for this kind of courage (and long term there is) but in the short term you will likely experience disruption.
This disruption can be confusing and scary.
I can’t even count the amount of times that happened over the last year while I’ve been on sabbatical.
Here is what I want you to know – just because things aren’t going smoothly doesn’t mean you are getting this wrong.It is normal to feel lost, alone, scared, overwhelmed or find yourself in a spiral of anxiety when you are heading into an energetic uplevel.
Last week I talked a bit about how to avoid getting sucked under by people in resistance. Today I want to remind you that is also big work to continue to align with your own vibrational shifts.
When things start to speed up or get bumpier then you feel you can handle there are healthy and unhealthy ways to engage that.
Some unhealthy ways people slow their vibration:
- Picking fights
- Calling in obstacles
- Getting consumed by problems that don’t warrant your attention
Healthy ways to align with the vibration (rather than slow it down)
- Meditate (I know, I know)
- Get out in nature
- Reevaluate your to do list (and remove items that truly don’t require your attention)
- Ask for help – from your Spirit team and your human team.
If you are looking for a way to call in help each day use my prayer of light – its powerful! You can find it in here: www.PattyLennon.com/prayer
If you feel like you can benefit from a reading with me I am still booking at my reduced rate here https://calendly.com/pattylennon/soul-sessions-with-patty-lennon
If you have a business and feel like you need more help than a single session, just email us at support@pattylennon.com and we can talk about working together for a few hours or even creating a full retreat for you.
I love you. You are not alone and this is hard. It’s also exciting and invigorating. Trust you are being guided and follow the yearnings of your soul.
Wishing you ease,
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