Sometimes life can be so overwhelming that it becomes hard to even breathe. Have you ever felt that?
You look around and all you seem to see is chaos. Your children’s rooms are chaotic. Your schedule is chaotic. Your life is chaotic.
So what do you do?
Well, first, take a breath. There is nothing more healing than breath. I know that sounds like I’m getting all “zen” on you I was but this works.
Breath takes us back to a place of stillness. Breath keeps us present.
I was just sitting here freaking out about what I was going to write for this week’s blog and I suddenly remembered – I need to breathe! As soon as I found my breath, I also found this week’s blog article.
It is often the most basic, accessible solutions that we forget. Breathing creates stillness, which creates ease, which causes us to breathe more easily.
Would you please take a moment and breathe? Fill your lungs, then let the air out. Do that a few more times.
What happens to your inner world when you breathe?
How about your outer world?
Ahhhhh…the simple gift of breath.
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