This week I hosted a fascinating guest on our podcast, Dr. Lulu Umeh. I’m always interested in people who have created a life and experiences that reach so far beyond what we expect is humanly possible.
She has shared much of her wisdom in her two books. How to Raise Well-Rounded Children and The Warrior Women Project: A Sisterhood of Immigrant Women.
In this episode, Dr. Lulu shares a bit of her story and the things she’s overcome. She reminds us that life is what we make it. It’s about being intentional.
One of her jobs is that of suicide prevention activist. She explains that LGBTQ+ children contemplate suicide 3 times the rate of their heterosexual peers. It’s the second leading cause of death among all people aged 10-24. Giving children and their parents the resources they need is part of her mission.
Understanding non-binary in today’s world comes with many questions. Dr. Lulu explains that she’s helping parents recognize their fears. She offers that she’s not coming from a place of perfection. She’s had to learn, too.
If you have wondered, “How can I be an ally?” This episode will give you a simple starting point:
Kindness to all.
If you see something, say something.
When we see each other as people, looking past perceived differences, we can see that people are hurting.
Be willing to listen. You don’t have to have answers or solutions. Just kindness and a willingness to accept people for who they are; unconditionally.
As the saying goes, when you know better, do better.
Listen to our conversation here.
With love,
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