Is the divisiveness and struggle in mainstream and social media getting to you?
It has been getting to me for a while. My heart aches almost constantly for some group of people.
A few weeks ago as I sat quietly asking Source for direction in all of this I was shown a sacred fire. In the next minute I had downloaded a whole new level of teaching and understanding about our role (as lightworkers) on this planet during this time.
We are meant to be the FireKeepers of the Sacred Fire. The Sacred Fire represents the life force on this planet.
So how do we do that?
When I got the download what I was given was a clear direction but not specific steps. We are meant to care for our inner world deeply. We do this by listening to what our body and soul is telling us we need. Then meeting those needs.
Extreme self-care is certainly not new in concept but in the current environment of floods and fires, anger and violence it can feel even more selfish than usual. It is, in fact, more necessary than usual.
After I received this download I did research on the ancient FireKeepers. I had always known that in many civilizations the role of the FireKeeper was spiritually significant to those communities. What I learned was that it had a very practical importance, as well.
Because these communities lived in damp environments (like Greece and Ireland) there was always a risk of the individual home fire going out. When that happened there would be no way to re-light it (because there were no matches back then.)
The Sacred Fire ensured that there would always be a source flame from which the individual families could light their home fire. The Sacred Flame represented both the spiritual life force and a much more practical life force in the community.
All this anger and divisiveness we are experiencing around us and in media is the modern day version of a dampness that threatens the life force of our communities. As FireKeepers it is our primary job to tend the Sacred Flame (Life Force) that dwells within each of us so that when it does start to flicker out in others we can literally strengthen their light with our own.
So how do we do that?
Well it certainly means spending less time with dampness (Facebook, tv, negative people). More importantly it means spending more time with our sisters, our fellow FireKeepers.
Ancient civilizations understood this was not a job for a single person. FireKeerpers existed in communities so that they could share the responsibility and support each other.
Find your fellow FireKeepers. This means instead of talking to your awesome, flame-filled bestie on Facebook, find a way to get together in person.
Spend time with Mother Earth in nature.
Go to a church, temple, mosque or other holy place if that fuels you.
Find a way to be with other FireKeepers. This will help you tend your own flame so that it is strong enough to support others.
I am currently organizing a new type of event for this specific purpose with my friend and fellow coach Linda Cummins. It is called “FireKeepers” and if you are in the Connecticut area and would like to join us for the first one, it is happening on October 24 in New Milford, CT from 7-9pm. You can learn more here:
And if you have discovered a strong way to keep your own Sacred Fire burning powerfully, tell us about it by leaving a comment below.
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