This is the first in a series of tips on how to recover mentally after the hurricane hits.
I realized pretty quickly this week that before we can start fixing the outer world after a big storm hits, we have to be ok on the inside. Storms – whether they are of the Hurricane Sandy variety or an emotional uphevel – can send even the strongest person spiraling.
Please before you try to get your life back in order, give your inner world a little attention. It will pay huge dividends in the long run! Today I’m sharing the first is a series of 5 Tips on How to Recover Mentally After the Hurricane Hits.
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We were one of the families blessed to have power and utilities throughout Hurricane Sandy. I don’t take that blessing for granted but even so it has been mentally challenging. It is hard to have life up-ended and to watch friends suffer.
On Thursday life started to return to normal so I was all ready to jump back into work and start “making things happen again.” But I couldn’t. I felt off. When I stopped and checked in with myself I realized I was trying to hit the ground running without centering myself.
It is important to do something physical to help release some of the stress and anxiety that builds up during a storm so that you are moving forward from a calm space. Like attracts like so any time we take an action from stress we create more stress. Give yourself the time to create some inner peace so that every action you take breeds more inner peace and calm!
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