This past weekend my children met their cousins from Ireland for the first time. It was a pretty wild experience for me personally because seeing all their little faces side by side reminded me that part of our life is shaped by choice and part by destiny.
Let me explain.
These cousins are on my husband’s side of the family but I grew up believing they were my family.
My husband’s grandmother and my grandmother were close friends in Ireland. My grandmother came to the states, my husband’s grandmother stayed in Ireland.
My husband’s father and aunt later came to the states and remained good friends with my father so I grew up viewing them as family.
I grew up knowing and loving many people in my husband’s family (but I didn’t meet my husband until I was much older.)
At least four times in the ten years prior to meeting my husband, different family members had talked about setting my husband and me up. It never happened.
Each time his cousin or mother would suggest we meet, I declined. It felt weird to be set up. I made a CHOICE not to pursue him, yet DESTINY intervened.
16 years ago this week we sat next to each other at a wedding and we’ve been together ever since.
My husband and I both pinpoint the moment we fell in love – it was about 4 hours after we met. I know our grandmothers in heaven had something to do with it.
And as they watch their great grandchildren sitting on this couch I wonder what they must be thinking. They both grew up in a very small town in Northern Ireland. And now their families, joined by blood and love, are connecting in Brooklyn, NY 100+ years later.
I truly believe that most of our life is shaped by CHOICE. And certainly the WAY we experience life is shaped exclusively by the thoughts we choose. But there are pieces of the puzzle that are shaped by DESTINY. There are forces that guide us to key people we are meant to meet and experiences we contracted to have in this lifetime.
This knowledge gives me a deep sense of peace because it shows me that you and I can’t screw this lifetime up. The stuff that really needs to happen, will happen no matter what. And everything that happens in between is up to us to choose based on what we want to experience.
Doesn’t that make you feel better?!!!
In a recent blog article I talk about taking small steps to make what you CHOOSE to happen come true. You can access that article here to make sure you are doing everything in your power to create what you choose!
In love and light,
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