I just want to give up!
I’ve heard these words from hundreds of women. I’ve said these words hundreds (probably thousands) of times.
Giving up, or rather the desire to give up, shows up when we don’t think that what we want is possible. But we are so very wrong.
When you lose faith in your ability to manifest your desires it doesn’t mean you can’t succeed, it simply means you’ve forgotten how powerful you truly are.
There is exactly one reason why you are here on this planet at this time and it is for your soul to experience its own greatness. You are here to use the challenges of the human experience to understand what you are capable of achieving as a divine being.
If you were good at everything instantly… if you ONLY experienced success there wouldn’t be much point to being human (because we already had all that back in heaven.)
And yet in our western society we grow up learning that failure is bad. The path through failure is the only path to experience our own greatness. Which is our purpose for being here.
So what’s a gal to do when she feels like giving up? It would be easy to say “giving up is not an option” but the truth is that giving up is very much an option.
I see it happen every day. I’ve done it plenty myself. There is no harm in giving up. Sometimes you just need that space. But before you do give up, take a conscious look at why you are giving up.
Don’t let yourself live with belief that you are giving up because you aren’t capable; that you aren’t ready for it or that you can’t succeed.
Get REAL honest with yourself. Even if your mind is telling you that you:
- Can’t do it;
- Aren’t ready for it; or
- Won’t succeed.
Call bullsh*t on that thinking immediately and just accept that you
- Aren’t ready to own your full power;
- You aren’t willing to grow that fast; or
- You need a rest.
This shift in thinking probably won’t change the end result.You may still give up. But how you feel and what comes next will look very, very different!
Giving up is often a very good decision, as long as you give up from a place of power and consciousness!
Do you have any juicy “giving up” stories? Share them here!
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